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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - So, Brawl is being released in Europe soon..

..but does anyone still care? I've lost all the hype I had for the game months ago and it actually feels like I've already played it. NoE screwed up big time in letting this game take so long to be released over here. I'll probably still pick it up and I'm sure it will sell well, but I just don't care about the game any more. Anyone feel the same way?

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Well I think most of the people who really wanted it have already imported it, I did. And I know tons of others did, my friend list is almost full. :p And if you take a few minutes to browse through some random gaming sites/forums, you'll find there are literally thousands upon thousands of Europeans who already have the game. And kinda lost interest in it afterward. It's a great game, but the hype died down and a lot of people play a whole lot less than they did before.
Yeah Nintendo sort of screwed up with Brawl. A lot of people just don't care anymore. That's not to say it won't sell great, I'm sure it will, but I don't think it will sell as much as it could have a few months ago.

Also, Nintendo needs to FIX THE ONLINE STUFF in this game! The lag can be unbearable.

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


Yeah I feel pretty much the same (but it’s all self inflicted). I couldn’t resist looking at the characters/stages and spent too much time on YouTube searching for videos. The only things I haven’t ‘previewed’ are the subspace cut scenes and most of the music.

But that's not to say I don't want SSBB and no doubt I'll spend several days solid playing through the game. It's just when you're reading "why SSBB sucks" articles before it even hits Europe it’s kind off putting. I'm particularly worried about the online issues Americans are having. With Melee there was nothing better than a 4 player timed match with a group of friends and I was looking forward to a few of those with people from VGChartz, but is it even going to run?

Maybe I should try harder to look on the bright side. Did Melee have online? No. Did I play it for hours on end? Yes. And Melee is one of the GameCubes best games. Plus being a fan of both Nintendo and Sonic there couldn't have been a better 3rd party character included. One thing I'm still really looking forward to is the music. I've heard most of the Zelda stuff, but there are a load of tracks still to be heard.

anyone who needs hype to justify wanting a game is lame.

I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!

Fighting games are not really my thing, but I probably would have bought it if it came out earlier (being caught in the hype and all). Right now, I have too many games to play, so I'm boycotting the games store :P Maybe I'll buy it later, maybe...

PS: I also heard that Brawl's online play isn't as good as Mario Kart Wii in terms of lag.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

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i have the import but people who never played will surely feel hyped for it even though its been spoiled for them

Wii/Mario Kart Wii Code:2793-0686-5434

I was really excited for this game...

Now; not so much!


I already had an American copy, but it didn't work :'(... I've lost all my hype for this game and am not eagerly awaiting the title...

I guess I'll pick it up though and it'll be a blast, but excited; Noo.

I want Okami or Mgs4 more... And Mgs4 is even released earlier then Brawl. Nintendo is so stupid when European launches are concerned.


Are you nuts? I've waited for this game for years, being hyped every single day... It's not like Brawl is some movie cash-in that needs the hype of the film to be good.
Does anyone still care?! DOES ANYONE STILL CARE?! Is it really so that hype is necessary these days to enjoy a game? And saying that is basically exaggerating, because this game was hyped so much that some of the momentum is still left.

Unbelievable that we let our game experience be ruined by a late launch. Late launches don't hold Americans back when they get some JRPG's (well, most Japanese games) like months later... and if you say that that isn't the point, but it's the hyping, well, let me point out to you again that hyping does not make a game, it's gameplay. I've played melee and Smash for years, Brawl isn't going to be a letdown.

But I must agree that the delay for this game was GODAWFUL.

 @OP: You truly are shameless.

I can't speak personally since this is not a game I was really looking forward to, but I understand how the novelty of a game can wear off after hearing about it for so long. People who spend time at online forums have heard so many details about the game that it won't feel as fresh to them.

However, if it's truly a game you were waiting for, that won't stop you from buying it.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

No, I'm still excited at trying it out when it comes out. Delays used to be so much worst in the past that this was a wlak in the park (ie the waiting period).

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Jerry: They're the worst.