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Forums - Sony Discussion - Kojima Productions: No 90 minutes cutscenes!

People are so whiney both ways on this issue.

Stop bringing off-site drama to VGchartz.

1. With so many cutscenes already in the game, does this really matter if it even were true?

2. I thought the MGS4 fanboys embraced the idea of massive cutscenes? Are you going to let other people's complaints dictate your behavior in regard to this game?

3. People are going to find any reason possible to play down this game which has been hailed as an interactive movie by everyone so get over it. Also, stop trying to act like this game won't be an interactive movie when it was one of the primary reasons you were so excited about it in the first place. You would do well to cut your losses by not ravenously attacking every inconsequential complaint someone slings at the game. You're just going to tire yourselves out.

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So is there an 89:59 cutscene? :P

On another note, maybe he is talking about 'real' cutscene while excluding the Codec conversations from the equation. Or maybe he is right. Who knows, we will know in 6-day time.

No foreign sky protected me,
No stranger's wing shielded my face.
I stand as witness to the common lot,
survivor of that time, that place.

- From 'Requiem' by Anna Akhmatova

If you like run and gun shooting then the Metal Gear series is not for you. You should stick to Call of Duty. MG requires you to think about the situation and to try and avoid conflict as much as possible. It also includes an intricate plot that simply cannot be told through gameplay alone. I would gladly sit through a 90 minute Kojima produced cut scene. There were many times in MGS2 when I would put the controller down and enjoy the story development. There will be many long cut scenes in MGS4. If that does not appeal to you, then do not buy the game. Also, please do not comment in forum threads about the cut scene length.

Thanks for the input, Jeff.



I'll wait until i play it to comment on the length of the cutscreens.

"Like you know"

Seriously, I will stopwatch every scene... just for kicks.

No foreign sky protected me,
No stranger's wing shielded my face.
I stand as witness to the common lot,
survivor of that time, that place.

- From 'Requiem' by Anna Akhmatova

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90 minutes always sounded like an exaggeration (and I stated so in the previous big thread on this). I'm curious if any of them approach an hour. Personally, I consider 30 minutes to be ridiculously long for a video game.

I give this thread a 9.5.

Thank god for the disable signatures option.

NJ5 said:

How can there be so many contradicting accounts of such an objective thing? Maybe it's 80 minutes instead of 90...


 I'm guessing it's something very much like that.

  1. The long cutscenes (because there were reports of multiple excessively long cut scenes) I'm guessing are between 60-90 minutes, probably around 70-80.
  2. The fact reviewers were told not to disclose the cutscene length is very fishy (just watch the Adams Soapbox a few posts down on Kotaku).  That pretty much confirms there are some stupid long cut scenes.
  3. Kojima's comment was worded with that hint of humor just really makes you think yeah, there are no 90 minute cut scenes, but I bet there are some longer than an hour. 

TheRealMafoo said:
I wonder if all the people who bitched about 90 minute cut scenes in previous threads will come here and apologize (especially the people who were never going to play it in the first place)?

Yea, I thought not.

 No, I'll wait for actual confirmations.  There are plenty of reasons for sources to make biased clames about things like games sucking because those are pure opinions and don't need facts to back them up.  With a source saying there are cut scenes bordering the 90 minute mark they are actually (we hope) basing that on fact.

If it turns out that it isn't true they just look like an ass.

Now to turn your comment around, I wonder if the 90 minute cut scene thing gets confirmed will you come and apologize to all the people that bitched? 

memory2zack said:
NJ5 said:
TheRealMafoo said:
I wonder if all the people who bitched about 90 minute cut scenes in previous threads will come here and apologize (especially the people who were never going to play it in the first place)?

Yea, I thought not.

With so many contradictions, I think people will wait for a more definite statement than a vague claim of "gross exagerations" .


Isn´t that an official statement for you? Maybe you want Kojima Productions to tell you exactly how many cutscenes there are, exactly how long each one of them is and when they occur.

 It's a clear and official statement that the cutscenes are not 90 minutes.  It's not a clear statement that there aren't 70-ish minute cut scenes which are still jsut as bad (anything longer than 20 is just silly).

I will wait...

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