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Forums - Sony Discussion - Kojima Productions: No 90 minutes cutscenes!

NJ5 said:
TheRealMafoo said:
I wonder if all the people who bitched about 90 minute cut scenes in previous threads will come here and apologize (especially the people who were never going to play it in the first place)?

Yea, I thought not.

With so many contradictions, I think people will wait for a more definite statement than a vague claim of "gross exagerations" .

 In any case, if someone has to apologize it's whoever didn't say the truth, not people who haven't even had the chance to check it for themselves.


So when game reviews give GTA4 a 10, or MGS4 a 10, they are lying bustards with zero integrity, but when you end up bitching about the same people saying a game has a 90 minute cut scene, it's because you followed the word of credible sources.

Sorry, you can't have it both ways.

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Mummelmann said:
Faxanadu said:
Question: how many are above 15 minutes? how many above 30?

30 would already be unbearable for me.

Lol, then MGS is clearly not for you.

The original was and is, the other two I never played. 

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i'm confused as well, because why say that now, but impose a ban on reviewers from reveiling the actual lenght of these scenes.

 Next Gen 

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Faxanadu said:
DMeisterJ said:
Faxanadu said:
Question: how many are above 15 minutes? how many above 30?

30 would already be unbearable for me.

Clearly you haven't played the MGS series then, so why do you care how long the cutscene is?

Oh my dear. I have played the original MGS on the PS1, and I am a big fan of that game. I do not recall any 30 minute cutscenes. I do remember great gameplay and awesome boss fights, but no 30 minutes cutscenes.

Do you only count games starting from 2 in the series or have you just never played the original?

Clearly you have never played MGS2 then.

TheRealMafoo said:

So when game reviews give GTA4 a 10, or MGS4 a 10, they are lying bustards with zero integrity, but when you end up bitching about the same people saying a game has a 90 minute cut scene, it's because you followed the word of credible sources.

Sorry, you can't have it both ways.

First of all, I don't recall bitching about 90 minute cutscenes, maybe I commented on it once or twice at most. Nor did I call reviewers liars for those things you mentioned.

Second, there is a big difference between subjective and objective statements. "I give this game a 10" is a subjective statement. "This game has cutscenes near 90 minutes" is an objective statement. When I see the same objective statement in two reviews from different sources, I tend to believe it's true. If it's not, shame on them as I said.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

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DMeisterJ said:
NJ5 said:
TheRealMafoo said:
I wonder if all the people who bitched about 90 minute cut scenes in previous threads will come here and apologize (especially the people who were never going to play it in the first place)?

Yea, I thought not.

With so many contradictions, I think people will wait for a more definite statement than a vague claim of "gross exagerations" .


A vague claim by the Assistant Producer of the game is easier to believe than some magazine.

Lets see who is more likely to be telling the truth, someone with an interest in the game itself or some outsider reviewing the game. If the reviewers would have been really that far off he could have just mentioned how many long cutscenes there are and how long they are. Instead he keeps it vague and uses the term highly "gross exaggeration". He probably isn't lying in the sense that the longest cutscene is in fact shorter than 90 minutes. But if it ends up to be around 80 minutes you really shouldn't be surprised and it would be perfectly in line with the remarks in Edge's review. Anyway, the game is almost out and you're free to time the length of the cutscenes yourself and end the discussion once and for all. (although I fear more people will do it and somehow come up with different lengths)

NJ5 said:
TheRealMafoo said:

So when game reviews give GTA4 a 10, or MGS4 a 10, they are lying bustards with zero integrity, but when you end up bitching about the same people saying a game has a 90 minute cut scene, it's because you followed the word of credible sources.

Sorry, you can't have it both ways.

First of all, I don't recall bitching about 90 minute cutscenes, maybe I commented on it once or twice at most. Nor did I call reviewers liars for those things you mentioned.

Second, there is a big difference between subjective and objective statements. "I give this game a 10" is a subjective statement. "This game has cutscenes near 90 minutes" is an objective statement. When I see the same objective statement in two reviews from different sources, I tend to believe it's true. If it's not, shame on them as I said.


When I said "you", I did not mean you personally, I meant the group of people we are talking about.

As for your second point, it only applies if you feel the reviewer sucks at reviewing games, but has integrity. If you feel a reviewer is willing to change a review score due to funding, or any outside reason, they have no credibility, and thus anything they say is suspect.

(Again, I am using "you" in the general sense) 

Oh boy... It's the ending I would expect for them to go all the way..

It's the Finale! The Last of Snake! It's Goodbye!

@TheRealMafoo: My point is that it would be incredibly stupid to lie about something which is so easy to verify.

To put it very clearly:

1- If the longest cutscene in the game is less than an hour long, Ryan Payton is right and those reviewers were grossly exaggerating.

2- If the longest cutscene in the game is between 60 and 70 minutes long, neither of them is right and the truth is in between.

3- If the longest cutscene is more than 70 minutes long, Ryan Payton is wrong and the reviewers' statement is fairly (or completely) correct.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

"I'm surprised nobody has stepped forward to debunk this rumor. There are no 90 minute cutscenes in MGS4. The ending is long, but 90 minutes is a gross exaggeration."

Then the ending is the longest and it is not 90m that is acceptable. People were most afraid of 90m scene in the middle of the game. I'm still cutescene whore.