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NJ5 said:
TheRealMafoo said:

So when game reviews give GTA4 a 10, or MGS4 a 10, they are lying bustards with zero integrity, but when you end up bitching about the same people saying a game has a 90 minute cut scene, it's because you followed the word of credible sources.

Sorry, you can't have it both ways.

First of all, I don't recall bitching about 90 minute cutscenes, maybe I commented on it once or twice at most. Nor did I call reviewers liars for those things you mentioned.

Second, there is a big difference between subjective and objective statements. "I give this game a 10" is a subjective statement. "This game has cutscenes near 90 minutes" is an objective statement. When I see the same objective statement in two reviews from different sources, I tend to believe it's true. If it's not, shame on them as I said.


When I said "you", I did not mean you personally, I meant the group of people we are talking about.

As for your second point, it only applies if you feel the reviewer sucks at reviewing games, but has integrity. If you feel a reviewer is willing to change a review score due to funding, or any outside reason, they have no credibility, and thus anything they say is suspect.

(Again, I am using "you" in the general sense)