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Forums - Sales Discussion - The "I Want Updated Sales" Thread


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-Medal of Honor Heroes wii
-Tiger Woods 08 wii

Keep them coming.

Every game in the DB without numbers but heres a few of my choices.

Killzone (ps2)
street fighter alpha 2
syphon Filter 3 (ps)
Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror (ps2)
Syphon Filter: The Omega Strain (PS2)
jet moto 3 (ps)
Ninja Gaiden sigma (ps3)
Top Gear (snes)
Blacksite: Area 51
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3: Mutant Nightmare
Matrix: Path Of Neo


Star Ocean 3

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Dirt for the PS3.



- Excite Truck
- Cooking Mama

(curious to see if them are million sellers...

Also, would be interesting to know the numbers of Fatal Frame I, II and III to see what to expect about Fatal Frame 4. 

EDIT: Changed the "priorities"...

^Click on cards to level'em up!!!^ =D


Eternal Darkness for the gamecube doesn't have any sales:(
Its an amazing game and I want to know how much it sold...

All I know is it sold about 300k-400k in America, if I remember correctly from old sales this site use to have for it.