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Forums - Gaming Discussion - jw what these acronyms are




 SC ( not SCD look on the charts by date or week or w/e its there)


any1 know what these are and if so do they no a link 2 a pic of them. ive been wondering for a while now. 

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Gearbox said:


Atari jaguar


Gearbox said:


Atari Lynx


Gearbox said:


 Virtual console

the atari jaquar link doesnt work it said hotlinking not allowd but ty now i no what they are

*wants to form PAMSA :People Against Misuse of Stupid Acronyms*

Really, i feel that if people insist on using them to save time and space, they should at least pay a bit of courtesy and type the full meaning first. for instance how is anyone meant to know that OoT means "Ocarina of Time" if they've never come across it before?

perhaps the use of a format similar to below should be encouraged:
"In the game, Ocarina of time (or OoT), quite a few things happen."

/semi-related rant

Proud Sony Rear Admiral

I am surprised that people found that out so fast.

Around the Network

Whats SC? it sold 230 000 ish never heard of it

RolStoppable said:
Gearbox said:
the atari jaquar link doesnt work it said hotlinking not allowd but ty now i no what they are

If you ever have any Atari Jaguar questions, feel free to send a PM to MontanaHatchet. Nobody knows more on this subject than him.

Ha, don't do that. I own one, and I'm probably one of the few on this site who does, but I barely ever used it. Go ask Wikipedia or some of those Tempest and Doom nerdos!



Gearbox said:
Whats SC? it sold 230 000 ish never heard of it

 If you're talking about the SCD, it's the Sega CD Drive or Mega-Cd.



Or u might mean SC as in Soul Caliber

then again, im probably wrong

MK= mario kart, mortal kombat

SSBB= Super Smah Bros Brawl

LoZ=Legend of Zelda

GT= Gran Turismo

GoW= Gears of War, God of War

GTA=.... GTA lol thats what i call it :)

...cant think of others

Proud member of the Fierce Fox Force.


"I strike spurs onto my Wii controller. And against Sony and MS I fling myself,
unvanquished and unyielding. 'O Wii!!!"

-The Nintendian Philosophy

SC as in the new acronym on Vg charts by date. Not SCD just SC