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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii Fit intensity?

Tree pose pwns* me.

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Tree pose is doable somewhat, what is total ownage is King of the Dance. At least in tree pose you're not really stretching so much :)

Domo-Kun said:

I'm a horribly lazy person, and have been thinking about picking up Wii Fit to supplement my sedatary lifestyle, but I've read that as a workout, Wii Fit doesn't doesn't perform well in contrast to regular exercise.


So I'm curious, exactly how intense is a 1-hour session of Wii Fit?

I think it largely depends on your definition of regular exercise. The kind off half assed, half-hearted apparatus slouching many lazy sobs attempt at the gym does very little and WiiFit would be the better choice for them. For people like me and a handful others with the same interest, it is not. I train to get as strong as possible and when I do cardio I hate to stand still, I want nature and life and seeing actual progress in the terrain with each step! The debate has been raging in here for quite some time around this, and my answer would be; for a casual person who wants to get more fit and a little more healthy, its gold, but for a person who already works out many hours every week with weights, aerobics or some other form of exercise (spinning etc) it is mostly worhtless even as a supplement. 

I don't mind the product, but the illusion that it somehow matches a fulltime training regimen with weights, hard cardio or other sports (soccer is a great way of getting in shape) must cease, it simply is not so. Of course, most intelligent people realize this already, but many seem coaxed into believeing it. Either way; taking fitness advice from an electronics store department clerk is probably a bad idea...