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NintendoTogepi said:
ecurbj said:

Was it a Slim PSP or the old PSP?

And either he was trying to get rid of it seriously or he probably stole it to make a profit for it real quick.

Good thing you didn't buy it :)

 Old PSP....

It's not worth it bro...I mean you had the chance to buy a PSP, but in general speaking its best to buy your own PSP new. Especially since the Slim model is released. So good thing you passed up on it. Gosh knows how many possible things could of been wrong with it once you came home with it.

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eww... a fatty?

nevermind then.

No. You're no idiot. If, somehow a cop was to learn you bought a PSP from someone for such a ridiculously low price (A stranger too!) you could have been charged with possesion of stolen property. The law (around here) states that a reasonable person would know, or should have known that property was stolen.

Either that, or the thing was broken. Trust me, you did the smart thing. Unless you're a crook. Then, you violated the "hustla's code".

^ Great... who invited the pig?


...You should've bought it, andsold it for drugs money. Bought the drugs, mix them with a cheaper substance, sold that for more money, and then get a PSP SL.

^laughing my ass off!

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Oh bro, what a chance..

Hawkeye said:
Homebrew I think is against forums rules to discuss in depth, but to answer, "YES"

 I have nothing against homebrew, I even have an R4 for the DS (or whatever it's called), it's pirating we have a problem with.

twesterm said:
Hawkeye said:
Homebrew I think is against forums rules to discuss in depth, but to answer, "YES"

 I have nothing against homebrew, I even have an R4 for the DS (or whatever it's called), it's pirating we have a problem with.

Yarr matey.  Ye better be a takin' that back or ye'll be facin' the wrath o' none o'er than:

twesterm said:
Hawkeye said:
Homebrew I think is against forums rules to discuss in depth, but to answer, "YES"

 I have nothing against homebrew, I even have an R4 for the DS (or whatever it's called), it's pirating we have a problem with.

 Same Here. That's why around my neighbourhood everyone has a 360 as it is easy to mod than a PS3 which is still to expensive. We all got the latest games and only have to pay $50 for live. I think its a deciding factor when deciding btw the PS3 and 360

I am clever becasue i would have brought it off them and then sold it to someone else 2 secs later, in front of them for double the price lol