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Forums - Sales Discussion - I just noticed that Microsoft doesn't sell much considering its NA lead

dallas said:
dallas said:
Kasz216 said:
dallas said:
yeah, they definitely have a say in who gets the BD drive, b/c it is Sony's intellectual property. Do you think that Sony would give away the right to include a BD drive to MS of all companies for ...... free?

It actually isn't their intellectual propery. They hold less then 30% of the Blu-Ray IP.

do you have a link to this?

Sorry just findthat a bit hard to beleive...I mean the Blu-ray has been Sony's idea all along, I just can't see them really needing anyone else to the extent that having such a low amount of the IP would imply.

 I can probably find one.  I've posted it on these boards a few times it's a pretty old NPD article.

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Software is selling very well..It has now 41 million sellers the Wii with a bigger userbase has 25 million sellers....(Ok I know the Wii released a year later but though;.).

Here you go.

"Blu-ray has a lot of grandfathers. A lot of people call it a Sony standard but by our estimates Sony doesn't even have 30 percent of the IP," Doherty said. The top four intellectual property holders are likely Sony, Panasonic, Pioneer, and Warner."

nothing left to say really rocketpig has said it all.

Microsoft pr spin....ahem

Our leading HD console has sold more software year upon year. this indicates that the x360 owners are buying more games and are satisfied with the console. this proves that the x360 has the BEST gemeing library out of any next gen console. So x360 still sets the standard in next gen gameing. blah blah blah

The longer a console has been out, the more titles and therefore the more competition for each dollar spent on software.

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crumas2 said:
The longer a console has been out, the more titles and therefore the more competition for each dollar spent on software.

^ Which has nothing to do with attach ratio. (not the attach ratio we are speaking about here, which is the over-all attach ratio, not attach ratio for individual titles)

idk what the OP is saying the 360 has an amazing attach rate

Proud Owner of  a Wii and Xbox 360 and a PS3(When I get the money)

dallas said:

The 360 has sold 11.6M consoles in america far outselling sony's relatively piddly 4.94M in america. In fact they have sold 2.34X's Sony's #'s for american console sales. Well, even so, they recently sold only 1.6X's as many software titles. So, the 360 seems to really be lagging behind what it should be doing. Comments for my 5 cent analyssis?

I think you have priced the value of your analysis just about right, worth at most 5 cents :P

Slimebeast said:
crumas2 said:
The longer a console has been out, the more titles and therefore the more competition for each dollar spent on software.

^ Which has nothing to do with attach ratio. (not the attach ratio we are speaking about here, which is the over-all attach ratio, not attach ratio for individual titles)

This is what happens when one works too many hours in one week...