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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Mass Effect 2 will "blow people away!"

thekitchensink said:
DMeisterJ said:
Slimebeast said:
DMeisterJ said:
Please Bioware:

Do not use the same tired good (whoops, I mean Paragon), and bad (erm, Renegade?) thing again.

It's getting tired.

Great game, but I'm tired of that same good guy/bad guy routine.

Can u elabroate on this? Note that I havent played ME, but I suspect it has something about the player to be able to choose his actions good/evil. What's your chriticism?

It's just that Bioware does that in every game they make, and they should do something different. After Kotor and this game, the good/evil thing is getting old.

If you've played Kotor, it's basically the same thing.

No. Not at all. In Kotor, you either took over the galaxy or you saved it. In ME, you're always a good guy, with the only question being how far you go to get the job done.

 Right, if you've ever watched 24 think of yourself as playing as Jack Bauer.  You're always looking to save the day, it's just that your methods may be... questionable at times.

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Mass effect was an amazing game it had one of the best endings in any of the games i have ever played i didnt stop playing it till i beat it it was amzing and 2 sould be even better

Proud Owner of  a Wii and Xbox 360 and a PS3(When I get the money)

Bioware is one of those very few developers that where I feel perfectly comfortable doing an early pre-order of one of their games and skipping to the game store tossing flower petals in the air as I go while singing The Battle Hymn of the Republic in my purple thong.

I give this thread a 9.6.

Thank god for the disable signatures option.

I just prey they can get a grip with the ease of use on the 360 and NOT put out a technical atrocity :( I thought the game was pretty nice, but man it was sloppy as a muthafuqa, I haven't seen it yet on the PC though :P My friend might be picking it up, and if he does so I'll play and finish it on there ^^ C'mon Bioware!

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

EaglesEye379 said:

How is combat more satisfying in the PC version when its the same? I was talking about the weapon physics, blast animations etc. etc.

The interface is also the same, its just that its slight easier to control using mouse and keyboard.

 Oh, I think the physics and animations are far better then they need to be for an RPG of it's kind. I thought you meant the interface, and that's been improved with mouse/keyboard. (and shortcuts for skills)