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thekitchensink said:
DMeisterJ said:
Slimebeast said:
DMeisterJ said:
Please Bioware:

Do not use the same tired good (whoops, I mean Paragon), and bad (erm, Renegade?) thing again.

It's getting tired.

Great game, but I'm tired of that same good guy/bad guy routine.

Can u elabroate on this? Note that I havent played ME, but I suspect it has something about the player to be able to choose his actions good/evil. What's your chriticism?

It's just that Bioware does that in every game they make, and they should do something different. After Kotor and this game, the good/evil thing is getting old.

If you've played Kotor, it's basically the same thing.

No. Not at all. In Kotor, you either took over the galaxy or you saved it. In ME, you're always a good guy, with the only question being how far you go to get the job done.

 Right, if you've ever watched 24 think of yourself as playing as Jack Bauer.  You're always looking to save the day, it's just that your methods may be... questionable at times.