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Forums - Website Topics - Request for return of old feature.

It used to be possible to get a table with sales data per month (before VGChartz did weekly tracking) for any of the consoles.  This was removed when the flash applet was updated to be more slick.  I really miss this feature and wish it could be brought back.  It seems appropriate to add to the Chartz->Hardware Table section.

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I 2nd this nomination. However, I don't think ioi will do it. I asked and others asked for this when he was originally making the changes and as you can see it never happened.

I'm guessing it's difficult to incorporate with weekly sales as there's overlap between months all the time and ioi doesn't keep detailed sales in the database on a daily basis. So figuring out which sales happened in the last 3 days of March compared to the first four of April would be impossible.

I guess if he didn't mind putting in the work there could be a monthly "estimates" section created where weeks were grouped into months. It's not exact but close enough probably.

azrm2k said:
I'm guessing it's difficult to incorporate with weekly sales as there's overlap between months all the time and ioi doesn't keep detailed sales in the database on a daily basis. So figuring out which sales happened in the last 3 days of March compared to the first four of April would be impossible.

I guess if he didn't mind putting in the work there could be a monthly "estimates" section created where weeks were grouped into months. It's not exact but close enough probably.

Well, obviously since the site has switched to weekly tracking, it would be weekly sales data tabulated.

i think this would be great to be honest

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What do you mean?

We do have monthly charts, like this:

DKII said:
What do you mean?

We do have monthly charts, like this:


No he means when comparing the PS3 to teh Wii to teh 360 it used to give you a week by week breakdown on the bottom with actual numbers instead of looking at just a graph.

Ah, yes well that was removed 'cause people were just copying all our data en masse.

DKII, I thought the point of VGChartz was that the data was provided free, unlike other sales tracking organizations.

I....third....this nomination

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
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