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Ross Perot is the dark horse of this election. He has my vote.

Hi, this is Vince with Shamwow.

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MontanaHatchet said:
Why would she be on his ticket? Both candidates spent months trying to make their voters hate the other candidate like they're some kind of uprising dictator.

 Exactly because of that.

 They have damn near split the democratic voters into two equal halves and the quickest way to heal that rift is to run together.

Good, there will be no more of these

I cried.....

Brawl FC: 2106-1814-5245

I'll be voting for, donating to, and volunteering for Barack. Although, the volunteering will probably be moot since I live in, and am surrounded by, landslide Obama states.
Prepare yourselves, though. This is going to get real ugly real quick. Expect racism and xenophobia(mostly centered on Obama's middle name) sort of like we saw in the primaries only turned up to blaring.
On the McCain side, expect him to be fending off ageism and accusations of mental instability.
American politics FTL.

Around the Network

I'll be voting for John McCain in the upcoming election for sure.

PC Gamer

I think Obama will win and then get assassinated.

Nintendo still doomed?
Feel free to add me on 3DS or Switch! (PM me if you do ^-^)
Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

all i can say is... pissed to that kid who sold all his games to fund hillary's campaign lmao!

^ well remembered LMFAO!!

That Guy said:
