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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - EA understands the Wii better than other developers - EA Sports titles

Come on. Haven`t you all learned your lesson? To quote the deceased weezy: actions speak louder than words. This is just PR bull. Remember when that understanding the Wii userbase for EA means more games like Boogie. They said a lot of pretty things about MOOH2, but the game is still a boring, uninspired and shitty port. This "EA understand the Wii more than everyone" trend may backfire. Sega said that 3rd parties should develop less party games on the Wii and focus on high production games. I am still waiting for these Sega games. Ubisoft scamed everyone with that Nintendo like quality bullshit. Capcom, Konami and SE are still uncertain about Wii userbase, but at least they got some good projects on the way.

Turning EA into the Wii savior is like rooting for Hitler or Stalin, once they get to the power it is hell on earth. EA could not make quality games last generation, why would they do it on the Wii? It is not impossible, but it would take a long time for EA to redesign their business plans and philosophy.

Satan said:

"You are for ever angry, all you care about is intelligence, but I repeat again that I would give away all this superstellar life, all the ranks and honours, simply to be transformed into the soul of a merchant's wife weighing eighteen stone and set candles at God's shrine."

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Gamerace said:
HappySqurriel said:
The only EA Sports Game that I care about is NHL hockey :(

 I second that!!  Com'on already!  I'd settle for Wii Winter Sports with hockey even.

I will 3rd it. I'm in hockey video game withdrawl for thepast couple years.

radioioRobert said:
EA doesn't hate money CONFIRMED!


Finally a big 3rd party making a decent effort on the wii. Now if only we could get some AAA exclusives. 

^Guy pissing on Microsoft Sign


@ ItsaMii : EA has SHOWN good games. And good controls.

Boom Blox: This title speaks for itself, just read any post about it on the board. A unique Wii only game, it shows you can make a great game that will only work on the Wii, and it works for EVERYONE. You like it, so do your kids, your friends, your parents, even your grandparents can "get"this game. Gameplay could reach anyone who liked Wii Sports. It's easy to play, but a "hardcore" (upstream) player can spend hours on these puzzles. This type of "pick up and play" game that still can please the upstream, well, that's what Nintendo does. I don't think EA can pull this off every time (or that they were trying for this), but they got it right this time. And BTW, this game REALLY shines if you and a few buzzed friends are playing....

SSX Blur : A great game, not dumbed down AT ALL controlwise, and the controls are very good once you learn them. Visuals were lacking a bit, BUT it was a visual style they were going for, and near launch. Just wait until SSX with a balance board.

The Godfather:Blackhand Edition : Though this was a pretty lame game on previous consoles, the wii controls breath life into the dead on this one. The punching, throwing gangsters off rooftops or through glass windows, all of it works. A GTA clone, and a PS2 port, it is ONLY a good game on the Wii. And on the Wii, it's actually very good. And don't bitch about it being a port, RE4 was a port as well. This isn't RE4, but a great sandbox game for the Wii, especially if you like immersive controls.

MOH:H2 : You trashed this, and I respectively disagree. It's a port, but it is very good. The FPS controls are the best on the Wii, even better than Metroid Prime 3. Actually the best I've used that are not on PC. Visually, well that's another story (an OK PS2 port at best). But, it's flawless online (and very fun). Without friend codes to boot. The single player game is short, and I'll even slam it here. But it gives EA a good base to work off on the Wii. If you can pick it up for under $30, well worth the money just for the controls and online.

And most of these titles are overlooked. Yeah, EA DOES have some Wii Bombs as well. No successful effort on Madden. Sketchy controls on Tiger Woods 07, a little improved on 08, but online missing. But they aren't the "devil" of Wii developers. Hitler, Stalin, well... I've had those impressions of EA for quite some time. BUT, they are leading the way for other TP's, and they are trying. IF EA has a few million or more sellers, it shows TP's can make $ on the Wii. At least they aren't giving us Tiger WoodZ. (OK, they did go with BLOX).

As long as they make good games, I'm open to giving them a try. Much more than I am settling for Prince of PersiaZ.

BAM! There it is!
Wii Code 3456 7941 4060 2924
COD MW Reflex 541192229709
Godot said:
I agree with Zucas. Ubisoft have a lot to learn from EA. It's no wonder some people wished EA to purchase Ubisoft. What I like with EA and the Wii is that they don't consider Wii users to be retarded.


Yep at least they got the PR section of this right.  I mean Ubisoft PR just completely goes the wrong direction.  At least EA bullshits better haha.  EA has also delivered a lot better than Ubisoft.  Funny though how Ubisoft has 3 platinum Wii titles and EA has none.  EA's only fault so far on Wii has been under advertising.  If they advertise even just a little the Wii version of those sports titles, they can all go gold, and some even platinum.  Same with a few of their titles, especially Boom Blox.  EA deserves it more than Ubisoft.

Ubisoft's problem seems to be underdelivering.  They hype and they advertise the Wii games, but they are hyping crap.  Unfortunately its paying off more which goes to show media attention is what equals sales.  Unfortunate eh.   

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Boom Blox is being advertised on Nick & Cartoon network during kids shows. Wrong place to run the ads, but they are running ads.

BAM! There it is!
Wii Code 3456 7941 4060 2924
COD MW Reflex 541192229709

Yea Boom Blox isn't meant for kids haha. Kinda like how Zack and Wiki isn't mean for kids. Kids like things you can pick up and play quickly and then the challenge is getting a high score or online play. Ya know why a lot of kids like to play Halo haha. A puzzler just isn't for kids cause it makes them think to win a challenge.

I've been saying for awhile that EA is one of the most underrated developers now. We'll see if the sports thing works out on the Wii, but Boom Blox shows they know something.

I saw the article in Nintendo Power today and thought ... I might have to buy Madden NEW this year. I have a lot of Madden's, but I never pick them up new.
It seems as if they are trying to move people "up market." They are refining that. They also realize that many of the Wii owners are not gamers looking for everything to be pixel perfect, so a bit of graphical fun is appreciated. (Like SMG is not fun to look at and is as good as sliced bread). In other words, I'd like to see my Mii as the ref.
As for PR, this is a magazine, so it was probably done 6-8 weeks before the Ubidays dismissal of the Wii. The juxtaposition is purely coincidental.
Also, reading the EA website, these are new modes and by-and-large newly built games for the Wii. So it is not just port-dumping.

Mike from Morgantown

PS -- The pattern draw feature reminds me of designing plays on Super Pro Football for the Intellivision. Imagine a game where you are not stuck with the plays the system gives you.

PPS -- I have a softspot for EA and Activision. They have been around forever. I still remember EA's logo that looked like the 3DO logo (and yes, I know why and that it was really Trip Hawkins taking the look for his console endeavor). No company is evil -- only the people running it are evil. And right now, there are many corporate execs at places who are evil to the Wii, but they don't seem to be at EA.


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492


radioioRobert said:
EA doesn't hate money CONFIRMED!

I think that's been confirmed for long over a decade now. =P

Still not sure how I feel about what they're doing with Madden 09. It sounds like they're doing the complete opposite with 08 and going to make things overly simple as opposed to overly complicated. I felt they were pretty close with 07's controls, just fine tune them a little and include better tutorials and they would have a good balance.

As for EA supporting the Wii in the way they've had. It's not as surprising when you think about it. EA is strictly business when it comes to games. They haven't embraced this "cinematic gaming" trend a lot of game companies have with the HD consoles or even realism all that much. Even something like skate which aims for realistic graphics and skating gameplay doesn't deny it's gaming roots. Your cameraman breaks the forth wall and pokes fun at you when you get hit by cars, things like the multiplier are big and colorful, and the story line is small and light hearted.

The Wii actually suits their business model much better than the HD consoles in a lot of ways. The different controls also let them try new stuff without actually designing new titles. They're still experimenting a lot with Wii development and don't seem to entirely understand it, but they continue to show a vested interest in it. They screw up as well, but they tend to screw-up on the other consoles and PC's a lot as well, so that's hardly exclusive to the Wii.

Like I said, everyone knows EA loves money, so they're not going to ignore the Wii, even it means constantly fumbling through projects with a misunderstanding of it. Not to suggest they've done nothing but fumble on the Wii, they actually seem to have pretty good bearings. Even something like MoH:H2, which was an ugly PSP port of an unremarkable game, manages excellent controls with lots of options and is still the only online enabled shooter on the Wii. EA really is one of the more dedicated third parties for the Wii.