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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Street Fighter IV may come to the Wii if audience shows they want it.

Cmon its Capcom, they whore out their franchise like there is no tomorrow. How many versions and systems did SF2 get released?


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If I were a board member and one of my executives said this, I would want him/her fired.

Asking for emails and petitions is not going to get you business. Look at Okami. Make a port, make it worth while to purchase, and advertise it.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

I doubt that letters, petitions or boycotts are really going to get to the birdmen. Not to say you shouldn't try all of them; just be realistic about the odds.

What will work (and it's just a matter of time) is when some brighter producer takes a chance and puts out a good solid mature game that looks and plays as good as SMG. Then the huge Wii customer base, starving for such fare, pops a quick 10% attach rate, the game sells 2.5 - 3 million copies. The producer, with the Wii's lower development costs, pockets obscene profits.

Within six months Best Buy will be buying extra racks to hold them all.

If anything it's the Nintendo audience that wants the game more. Sadly if you grew up loving the SNES you'd probably much prefer the 2d HD remake then SF4 as SF4 looks like a slightly prettier version of Street Fighter EX on the PS2. The original is where the real action is at. This new game is more style over substance.

Prepare for termination! It is the only logical thing to do, for I am only loyal to Megatron.

Well, at least we know you're not going to boycott Capcom. They've shown the Wii too much love (MONSTER HUNTER 3!!!).

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MontanaHatchet said:
Okay, why would someone who owned an SNES be more likely to own a Non-Nintendo console?


Montana nailed it on the head. 

 Just sounds like a bunch of nonsense to me. I suppose a game that is just oozing "pick-up-and-play" wouldn't be such a good fit for the Wii, now would it? SF4 is nothing like RE5, it's not like the stages are going to be blackholes of 2,000 square miles memory/storage devouring madness.

"I feel like I could take on the whole Empire myself."

Although having SFIV on Wii would be good, why would SF fans bother about a technically inferior version that would most likely play differently than what they are used to and want? I´m not saying they shouldn´t make a Wii version, but if I would ever buy SFIV it wouldn´t be on Wii.

isn't that gatchaman vs. capcom game supposedly on the wii?


Although having Half-life 2 and Doom 3 on Xbox would be good, why would Half-life 2 and Doom 3 fans bother about a technically inferior version that would most likely play differently than what they are used to and want? I´m not saying they shouldn´t make an Xbox version, but if I would ever buy Half-life 2 and Doom 3 it wouldn´t be on Xbox.

in place of Doom 3 and Half-life 2 just put in any pc shooter that was ported to the Xbox last gen. Also in place of Doom 3 and Half-life 2 place any RTS game that has been released for the Xbox 360 and change the Xbox to Xbox 360. This also works with FarCry 2, Crysis, and Unreal Tournament 3.

This list could go on and on but the point is that people will enjoy a game as long as the developer takes the time and does a good job at porting the game over to the intended platform.

Note: the top paragraph is not actually memory2zack comments. I just edit his original comments to make a point.

If Nintendo is successful at the moment, it’s because they are good, and I cannot blame them for that. What we should do is try to be just as good.----Laurent Benadiba


memory2zack said:
Although having SFIV on Wii would be good, why would SF fans bother about a technically inferior version that would most likely play differently than what they are used to and want? I´m not saying they shouldn´t make a Wii version, but if I would ever buy SFIV it wouldn´t be on Wii.

 How would it be technically inferior exactly? More crayon colors on the HD versions than on the Wii version?

Besides, as long as a game plays good and isn't missing online play, I'm giving my gaming cash to Nintendo if I have the choice. 

"I feel like I could take on the whole Empire myself."