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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Street Fighter IV may come to the Wii if audience shows they want it.

zero129 said:
en youmelbye said:
I had a discussion with my friends today that only own a PS3 or 360. The conclusion of the discussion was that they are not interested in in Street Fighter 4 because there are better figting-games on their consoles. And by better they meant 3D and better graphics.

 Then your friends wouldn't know a good fighter if it hit them in the head -_- .

Or maybe you're just some Nintendo Fanboy trying to put down the greatness that's going to be SF4..

For the other Nintendo fans that do want this game, send letters to capcom etc, that seems to work better then patitions imo..

Dude, i want more SF4 more than anything. Street Fighter is the best fighting-franchise ever created.

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MontanaHatchet said:
Okay, why would someone who owned an SNES be more likely to own a Non-Nintendo console?

Times change. I started gaming on NES and SNES but never had an N64 or GC.

LordTheNightKnight said:

"these guys are more likely to own a PS3 or Xbox 360 than a Wii."

Excuse me? When/where can we get such highly acurate statistical percentages?

By default, I don't care about this game. I'm not even sure I'll buy SSBB, fighting games don't have lasting appeal with me.

Having said that, sooner or later SF4 (or a later SF game) will come to the Wii anyway, unless they want to leave money on the table. This "get on your knees and beg, or piss off" attitude is retarded.

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

RolStoppable said:
famousringo said:
I like this attitude that customers need to earn the right to buy products. It's very novel. I wonder how this business strategy will work out for them.

I could change the "Beer Boycott" in my signature to "Capcom Boycott".

Why the boycott for Haribo? They taste good. 

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Galaki said:
LordTheNightKnight said:

"these guys are more likely to own a PS3 or Xbox 360 than a Wii."

Excuse me? When/where can we get such highly acurate statistical percentages?

 The Asspull Institute of Highly Scientific Stuff, methinks. Open 52 hours a day, 13.6 days a week.

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ItsaMii said:
How the hell PC is a more safer bet than the Wii? SF 4 on the PC is so gonna rock the charts. SF4 on cell phones would be a safer bet. Nothing against the PC, but playing local multiplayer on it sucks (not LAN) and we would need extra controllers. The fact that Xbox 360 controllers (50 bucks) are a total rip off does not help either.

PC is safer bet because it's easier to port to and from. 360 controllers are $40 wireless, $30 wired. Wiimote is $40 then you have to buy something else to play a fighting game with.

So they were just stupid after all. You'd think that most publishers would've at least somewhat understood what kinds of people are buying the Wii and why, but I guess it'll take a while longer. -_-

Parokki said:
So they were just stupid after all. You'd think that most publishers would've at least somewhat understood what kinds of people are buying the Wii and why, but I guess it'll take a while longer. -_-

As long as a single "kiddie" game sells well on the Wii and Nintendo refuses to do "mature" violence-heavy games, the Wii will be a kiddie console in the eyes of most developers.

Stereotypes rule.

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