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Forums - Sales Discussion - So is this the ime for Ninty to stockpile Wii to counter MGS4?

MGS4 won't have any effect on the Wii if GTA4 didn't.

Nintendo still doomed?
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If GTA4 couldn't slow down Wii sales, then my guess is MGS4 will somehow... sell Wiis?

Yes. I predicted ages ago that they would be stockpiling for the MGS4 release. Lets see if it comes true.

I don't think so.

Wouldn't be that smart to "stockpile" Wii's when you just released a huge game in North America thirteen days ago.

I think it was moreso that they pushed out so many Wii's last week for Wii Fit's first week, they need to get back into the swing of things. It's happened with every big release.

This thread is grasping at straws...


The point of doing this is to take the lime light off of the big PS3/360 games, and put the lime light on the Wii. It's good PR when you can say that your console outsold the PS3 in the release week of MGS4.

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I don't think MGS will be a system seller unles it were been release on wii.

not a fan but a gamer

Who said that their were any shortages this week?

@ DMeisterJ : The "big Wii title" they released has not been in stock since launch (and is not expected in at Gamespot this week either).

This could be the GTA stategy all over again. MGS4 may not be as big as GTA4 (or even close), but it will move PS3's. A similiar war strategy takes the focus away from Sony.

I believe a very large amount of WiiFit (and Wii's) will appear in stores on MGS4 launch week. And be in every weekend circular. For every big box retailer. A good "war" strategy if you ask me, never let the competition feel (or look) like they are able to put one dent your armor. Proves the analysts wrong, and gives them lots of great press.

How many articles were about the Wii right after GTA4? All of them. Brilliant.

BAM! There it is!
Wii Code 3456 7941 4060 2924
COD MW Reflex 541192229709

Funny, PS360 fans calling this week a shortage in Wii's is humorous. The HD systems (combined) were still were outsold 2:1, even before Japanese sales are in.

So what's a good week going to look like with Wii production upped?

BAM! There it is!
Wii Code 3456 7941 4060 2924
COD MW Reflex 541192229709

Yeah Nintendo will pull the same thing they did on Gta4's debut week. (and murder all consoles in sales!)