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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - I am starting to doubt there will be high budget 3rd party games for Wii

I think spyborgs will be good, but the problem is the market is sooooo sided to "play this game with your mother" type games that we are craving for something a little on the darker side.

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Businesses do not ignore customer pools of close to 30 million for long. They have been caught off guard since every “expert” predicted failure for the Wii and more recently constant predictions that the bubble would burst. In addition they have not come close to figuring out who all these people are or what they want. Only Nintendo and Malstrom seem to have a handle on that.

It's just a matter of time to when some  brighter  producer takes a chance and puts out a good solid mature game that looks and plays as good as SMG. Then the huge Wii customer base, starving for such fare, pops a quick 10% attach rate, the game sells 2.5 - 3 million copies. The producer, with the Wii's lower development costs, pockets obscene profits.

Then all hell breaks loose.

yue123 said:
Wind waker look way better than spyborg.
Spyborg havent online features ( tell by capcom)
The humor of spyborg is worse than mr bean
it´s a low budget game nevermind capcom tell

 As far as I understand, this game isn't even released yet. How would you know what the humor of the game is without playing?

 Did you travel back in time from the future, where everyone speaks broken english? ;) Just kidding =)

The OP of this thread's username has the perfect response to this thread.

Oh snap!

We'll see this year at E3 if there will be any or not, but I'm inclined to agree with the O.P.

*patiently awaits hanging*

bardicverse said:
yue123 said:
Wind waker look way better than spyborg.
Spyborg havent online features ( tell by capcom)
The humor of spyborg is worse than mr bean
it´s a low budget game nevermind capcom tell

 As far as I understand, this game isn't even released yet. How would you know what the humor of the game is without playing?

 Did you travel back in time from the future, where everyone speaks broken english? ;) Just kidding =)

Get with the program ... The only games that are important are science fiction shooters that take place in destroyed city environments where you fight aliens or monsters, and the only colors you're allowed to use are brown and grey.

Come on, Bionic Games is breaking way too many rules with Spyborgs and should stop trying to be "Creative" or "Original" and they shouldn't even bother trying to produce satirical game.

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HappySqurriel said:
bardicverse said:
yue123 said:
Wind waker look way better than spyborg.
Spyborg havent online features ( tell by capcom)
The humor of spyborg is worse than mr bean
it´s a low budget game nevermind capcom tell

As far as I understand, this game isn't even released yet. How would you know what the humor of the game is without playing?

Did you travel back in time from the future, where everyone speaks broken english? ;) Just kidding =)

Get with the program ... The only games that are important are science fiction shooters that take place in destroyed city environments where you fight aliens or monsters, and the only colors you're allowed to use are brown and grey.

Come on, Bionic Games is breaking way too many rules with Spyborgs and should stop trying to be "Creative" or "Original" and they shouldn't even bother trying to produce satirical game.

Ohhh! Sorry! You're absolutely right. I'll try to remember that for the next time.


Funny, sounds like corporate brainwashing in real life has seeped into games, the way you explained the status quo =) ll greys and browns, just like a corporate office building, and the be like everyone else mentality.

I'll have to paint our dev studio orange and green =) 


Smash_Brother said:
Fight back by buying games like No More Heroes and other good M rated offerings.


No shit. I found No More Heroes at Target the other day for $30--now it's standard price.  No one who owns a Wii should complain about the "low quality" of games on the system if they don't own No More Heroes--one of the best yet released for it.

So many bitter tears, LOL!
Really, there's not much more to say with every single of those threads.
I enjoy the bitter tears though, even from "Wii fans". These are comedy gold.

OooSnap said:

I eagerly anticipated for the big news from Capcom regarding the new Wii game. Was it going to be a new Mega Man adventure game? No. A Bionic Commando game? No. A Strider game? No. It's some cartoonish kiddie game that doesn't look interesting.

 Are you kidding? If Megaman had not its long history as a hardcore game since the 80's but was seeing its first game made today you could be talking about it the same way you are talking about Spyborgs as Megaman is really cartoonish and kiddie looking.

Have some faith, Spyborg may not have a graphical style that won you over immediately but it does look very interesting and its developer's pedigree is encouraging.

Maybe in 20 years time you will be ranting about some new cartoonish kiddie game, complaining that you wanted a new Spyborg... but then maybe you will have matured by then.

"I do not suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it"