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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - I am starting to doubt there will be high budget 3rd party games for Wii

Nintendo did advertise Red Steel a lot in the USA. It was one of the wide advertised launch titles. People have short memories?

Not sure why people are complaining now when E3 is close. Why not wait a little over a month for E3. Most things will come out a little before then, but really, we have little clue how much unknown titles are being worked on prior to then.

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OooSnap said:

I eagerly anticipated for the big news from Capcom regarding the new Wii game. Was it going to be a new Mega Man adventure game? No. A Bionic Commando game? No. A Strider game? No. It's some cartoonish kiddie game that doesn't look interesting.

 Yeah, the Wii is getting such games like Madworld and The Conduit, but those are rare offerings.

 As a Wii fan, I am honestly disappointed. I seriously wish there were more third parties that had their top tier teams working on high budget games for the Wii. Maybe things will change if the Wii reaches an install base of 100 million.

I still hold out hope for a Castlevania Wii game.

This thread is a disgrace and embarassing to Wii fans.

Here is a new IP, backed by a big publisher, with PROVEN talent behind it, is exclusive to the Wii, and isn't a minigame collection or Nintendogs ripoff. How is it treated? It's dismissed almost immediately as a "kiddie game that doesn't look interesting." This is based off of a couple of screenshots and a trailer that doesn't say much in the way that the game is played.

Disgusting. You're more concerned about your appearance playing this game because it's not an FPS (The Conduit) or extremely violent (Madworld), two qualities that aren't needed for a good game. People bitch about the Wii not getting good third party support and when a 3rd party does support it, they get chased off because their vision and the game they want to create doesn't fit the stereotypical teenage opinion of what is EPIC and MATURRREEEEE!

Pretty much anything on the Wii that isn't shovelware or minigames can catch my interest and is a welcome addition. I'll be tracking Spyborgs.

Nintendo has somewhat failed so far in providing any third party title any kind of significant advertising.
Maybe that will change, but Sony and MSFT have stepped up to the plate and contributed to some marketing of their third parties support...( mainly to fight each others but end result was games from third parties received extra marketing).

That's probably because Nintendo has no interest in paying for other people's games for them like most companies with good business sense. Whenever Nintendo gets involved with a 3rd party, they have some personal stake in it (they are producing and publishing Fatal Frame IV). This may also be one of many reasons why they were profiting the most even whe nthe PS2 dominated.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

I think that spyborgs looks, if not great, at least very interesting. Besides is Capcom and they hade more hits than misses.

I'll give it the benefit of the doubt for now.

And to the one that said that "Nintendo should pay 3d parties for advertising like PS360"...They do that because they NEED it. Nintendo doesn't need it. Is the companies fault that they are not making good games, not Nintendo. I really dislike GTA4 but I'll never blame Sony or Microsoft. So why Nintendo should be different?

Amen ClaudeLv250!

I actually think that Spyborg looks intriguing.
I don't know why there is so much anxiousness (anxt) being associated with a teaser trailer.
If this were a PS3 or Xbox 360 game, people would be all over it, talking about how rich it looked or how quirky it was.
If people want the ultra-violence, there are other places, other systems, other games for that.
I really think this might be a good purchase for me.

Mike from Morgantown


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

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mike_intellivision said:
Amen ClaudeLv250!

I actually think that Spyborg looks intriguing.
I don't know why there is so much anxiousness (anxt) being associated with a teaser trailer.
If this were a PS3 or Xbox 360 game, people would be all over it, talking about how rich it looked or how quirky it was.
If people want the ultra-violence, there are other places, other systems, other games for that.
I really think this might be a good purchase for me.

Mike from Morgantown

 Yeah I agree. I don't understand why people are so eager to get violent and mature games on the Wii. Besides, the fact that the game is cartoony doesn't make it bad or for kids necessarily. Conker's Bad Fur Day looked "kiddy" but it wasn't at all. This seems to be more in the likes of Banjo-Kazooie but in the future.

How many cups of darkness have I drank over the years? Even I don't know...


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RolStoppable said:
Ail said:
RolStoppable said:

If you were in charge for Nintendo, which Wii 3rd party games would you have significantly advertised?

Probably stuff like Red Steel, NMH ( they got advertised but seemed to be publisher only advertising).

Nintendo would have looked really desperate if they had advertised these games.

Huh? Since when does advertizing mean desperation? But whatever, Nintendo doesn't need to help 3rd parties, people, they are making a killing on console sales because the Wii is isn't expensive to make. I've been saying for quite awhile that I don't expect huge 3rd party games on the Wii. Most big games will be multiplatform for PS3 and 360. I've probably been saying that for over a year...maybe longer...and every time I get shot down on this forum because people tell me third parties will come around. I love No More Heroes, but I think Boom Blox is more suited to the Wii and No More Heroes would have been better in HD. I'm not concerned, though. Wiiware and games like Boom Blox show that "small" games can be tons of fun and what the Wii is made for. My Life as a King is on my list to get to after MGS4 and GTA IV and my gamefly rentals (Boom Blox).

I'm not going to doubt it until after this coming holiday. Developers should have had enough time to develop the bigger titles and they usually wait for the big season.


- Actually word of mouth comes from quality after the fact.
- Hype usually comes from past publisher experience or sequal (same thing)
- Shelf Space? I'm not going to explain something I don't understand the context of.

I'm going at my arguement with the concept of one mans trash is another mans treasure.


I'm Unamerica and you can too.

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The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D

There will never be a high budget game on Wii because developing costs for the Wii are really low, fo what is considered "high budget" this generation at least.

NJ5 said:

suddenly turn from "PS3/360 fan" to "concerned Wii fan".

o' snap!