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OooSnap said:

I eagerly anticipated for the big news from Capcom regarding the new Wii game. Was it going to be a new Mega Man adventure game? No. A Bionic Commando game? No. A Strider game? No. It's some cartoonish kiddie game that doesn't look interesting.

 Yeah, the Wii is getting such games like Madworld and The Conduit, but those are rare offerings.

 As a Wii fan, I am honestly disappointed. I seriously wish there were more third parties that had their top tier teams working on high budget games for the Wii. Maybe things will change if the Wii reaches an install base of 100 million.

I still hold out hope for a Castlevania Wii game.

This thread is a disgrace and embarassing to Wii fans.

Here is a new IP, backed by a big publisher, with PROVEN talent behind it, is exclusive to the Wii, and isn't a minigame collection or Nintendogs ripoff. How is it treated? It's dismissed almost immediately as a "kiddie game that doesn't look interesting." This is based off of a couple of screenshots and a trailer that doesn't say much in the way that the game is played.

Disgusting. You're more concerned about your appearance playing this game because it's not an FPS (The Conduit) or extremely violent (Madworld), two qualities that aren't needed for a good game. People bitch about the Wii not getting good third party support and when a 3rd party does support it, they get chased off because their vision and the game they want to create doesn't fit the stereotypical teenage opinion of what is EPIC and MATURRREEEEE!

Pretty much anything on the Wii that isn't shovelware or minigames can catch my interest and is a welcome addition. I'll be tracking Spyborgs.

Nintendo has somewhat failed so far in providing any third party title any kind of significant advertising.
Maybe that will change, but Sony and MSFT have stepped up to the plate and contributed to some marketing of their third parties support...( mainly to fight each others but end result was games from third parties received extra marketing).

That's probably because Nintendo has no interest in paying for other people's games for them like most companies with good business sense. Whenever Nintendo gets involved with a 3rd party, they have some personal stake in it (they are producing and publishing Fatal Frame IV). This may also be one of many reasons why they were profiting the most even whe nthe PS2 dominated.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"