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Forums - General Discussion - Who gets the HDMI port?

I love my HDTV, but there's a problem. ONLY ONE HDMI PORT. I'm getting a PS3 when MGS4 drops. I want to plug it into the port, but I'm an idiot. Is there a device on the market that can split one HDMI port into two? A chainsaw, maybe? My set up: 2 AV ports : occupied by a PS2/ DVD Player/ Dreamcast 2 component ports: Taken buy Wii/ XBOX 360 1 HDMI Port: DiecTV HD reciever (for High Def Porn!) Any suggestions? I'd be satisfied with standard definition satellite, but I've been paying for HD programming since January of last year.

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I'm not sure if there is anything out there like that. Try your local electronic store.


currently playing:

HDMI switches are expensive. It would be so much cheaper to just swap cables when you want to watch TV or play the PS3. More work on your end, but your wallet will thank you.

It's easier when you guys do it for me!! Can't beat free labor......

bobobologna said:
HDMI switches are expensive. It would be so much cheaper to just swap cables when you want to watch TV or play the PS3. More work on your end, but your wallet will thank you.

how expensive? I'll spend $60 bucks, tops.

Around the Network

If your TV and its decoder support it, why not use Component for that, since broadcasts are 720p and 1080i only. Give priority to the PS3 if you only have 1 HDMI and don't want to switch.



HDMI switches( 35$) sre much cheaper than component switches (over 100$)

Get one of these:
AFAIK it SHOULD upconvert all of your other connections to HDMI, allowing for just 1 cable to your TV

Wow, those have really fallen in price! But is the HDMI 1.3 like the PS3's?

EDIT: No it does not. You have to buy this one to get HDMI 1.3a: 375$

I just came back to edit my post but you beat me.

i have 3 HDMI ports, at the moment i only use 1 for my PS3, my 360 uses componnent.