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Forums - Sales Discussion - Blu-Ray or downloads?

Downloads will never take off. Blu-ray is the future and plus 100% of hollywood is going to make sure that happens.

unlike the music industry, the movie industry will never give away there content so it can be pirated like the music industry. (almost killed it). companies like disk and (most mportantly) are use to them. that will not chage for 10 years.

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kowenicki said:
colonelstubbs said:
kowenicki said:
colonelstubbs said:
Im pretty sure this thread has been designed to see how many people Kowenicki can get to say 'i prefer downloads over blu ray' so that he can then say 'ZOMG THERE WAS NO POINT IN THE PS3 HAVING A BLU RAY PLAYER HAHAHA'

One fatal flaw in your arguement stubbsy young man....  I have just ordered a PS3 so I can use its Blu ray player.... it will sit nicely with my Sony 46 inch LCD and my sony HD camcorder..... now trot on junior... we arent all fan boys you see.

Hang obviously like sony products and buy them can you say you dont love any specific corporations....?

 And dont call me junior grandpa


I dont LOVE any corporation sonny.  I buy the best product for the job... iPod, Sony TV, Sony PS3 (Blu Ray player), 360 and Wii for gaming, BMW cars, B&W speakers etc etc etc. thats not love, its an informed choice based on facts not blind loyalty.  You getting this yet... no?  maybe when you are older hey?


Sounds like brand loyalty to me pops

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

kowenicki said:
Bokal said:
I don't think dowloads will make it anytime soon, maybe in 5-6 years if there is a massive change in prices, drm policy and ways to save the media.
With dowloads less than 10$, no drm (which is more annoying for customers than the others) and some solid state memories such as big cheap sdcards to save the file, it could work.

Actually, I agree with bleu-ocelot, bluray will be dominant before downloads become mainstream.

why is DRM an issue on rental downloads....? its the rental market that could drive this.

 Hey man, I have an X360 and I have been watching movies off the Xbox live marketplace for sometime now. What I hate about this though is that once I start watching a rented movie I only have 24 hoursto finish viewing it. If I am late that day and I decide to watch the rest later, I have to finish within that 24 hour window. Also if I download the file to the Xbox, I can only watch it on the console, I can't take it to a friend's place and watch it together. Compare this to a physical rental service and you know the difference. One of the reason Netflix killed Blockbuster was the elimination of the late fees(so u can keep the rental for as long as u want and view it as many times u want), now where do you get that with this stupid DRM?


It is better to die on one's feet

then live on one's knees

download for me , but we really need high speed broadband connections...

You can't.

But some people love their Xbox so much that they prefer to watch their movies on it, even with the DRM hobbling in place.

We've heard all the pro arguments like being able to start watching after only X minutes have passed as the file continues to stream to HDD, or that the 1280x720 quality is "great" even though you pay a premium over SD purchases (rentals) that still don't begin to match the quality of either HD-DVD or BR-D.

Facts are, right now HD media (now only BR-D by default) provide the best in home viewing experience, limited only by your individual set up.

With the studio support behind the format, we're not going to see fewer new releases (and remastered old releases), we're going to see a constant stream of more.

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I don't mind Youtube kind of stuff, like for movies though, DvD's are for me - I find myself getting bootlegs though usually for five darra I mean dollars.

I got to watch 10,000 BC on a sweet copy, but it was only worth 5 darra - movie kind of sucked.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D

Slow dls. I got Transformers the other night with high quality in like 10 minutes. I have a 54Mbps connection so I guess I don't count for the majority.

Btw, I wish I was the old lady with the 40Gbps connection:

kowenicki said:
colonelstubbs said:
kowenicki said:
colonelstubbs said:
kowenicki said:
colonelstubbs said:
Im pretty sure this thread has been designed to see how many people Kowenicki can get to say 'i prefer downloads over blu ray' so that he can then say 'ZOMG THERE WAS NO POINT IN THE PS3 HAVING A BLU RAY PLAYER HAHAHA'

One fatal flaw in your arguement stubbsy young man....  I have just ordered a PS3 so I can use its Blu ray player.... it will sit nicely with my Sony 46 inch LCD and my sony HD camcorder..... now trot on junior... we arent all fan boys you see.

Hang obviously like sony products and buy them can you say you dont love any specific corporations....?

 And dont call me junior grandpa


I dont LOVE any corporation sonny.  I buy the best product for the job... iPod, Sony TV, Sony PS3 (Blu Ray player), 360 and Wii for gaming, BMW cars, B&W speakers etc etc etc. thats not love, its an informed choice based on facts not blind loyalty.  You getting this yet... no?  maybe when you are older hey?


Sounds like brand loyalty to me pops

Yep brand loyalty, until they cock up.... PS3 (dropped the ball on gaming), Mercedes (lost it a few years back when production moved to S. Africa), Microsoft (Vista operating system )...  getting it yet??????  I dont do blind loyalty... you obviously dont see that, cos ..... well.... you're blind.

How did the PS3 drop the ball on gaming? You are such a fricking troll

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

heres the catch 22, by the time blu ray would have reached market share the will make DVD nervous 1080p will be on th low end of HD, mean while downloads will be able to get past that since they are a digital media and not something limited by plastic