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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Capcom's New Wii game - Spyborgs...

takkxyz said:

Am I the only one who's getting Adventure vibe off this game? (From the screens I've seen so far... I am probably wrong though)

Edit: Never mind...

Edit2: Disregard the Never mind... it's still too early too call until mor einformation come in. I guess.

Here here. The visual style just screams "Ye olde LucasArts" to me.

Plus the dude in the pics slightly resembles Raz from Psychonauts. Maybe it's the glasses.

EDIT: Nevermind, it's just the glasses.

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This is becoming ridiculous. Being a Wii only owner is looking like a terrible idea at the moment.

I wonder if Mario was a new IP today would people give his game a chance before they decided that it was crap because it wasn't a brown-grey first/third person shooter where you fight aliens in broken cities ...

This may or may not turn out to be a good game, but the visuals (at this point in time) look fairly well polished and I don't see anything wrong with them. One thing we're going to have to accept is that the=lower processing power of the Wii will typically have developers favouring an (often colorful) artistic non-photorealistic approach to games; this doesn't mean that these games will be less "Mature" (See. Mad World and No More Heroes), or that the games will be bad.

Shameless said:
This is becoming ridiculous. Being a Wii only owner is looking like a terrible idea at the moment.
How, so? Is the game too kiddyz?


Everybody is it confirmed this is the same game? This could be the puzzle game that was talked about, rather than the TPS. I don't see it really as a tps more than a platformer then, but it's fine by me.

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sc94597 said:
Shameless said:
This is becoming ridiculous. Being a Wii only owner is looking like a terrible idea at the moment.
How, so? Is the game too kiddyz?


 Your desperate attempts to try and hype this game are hilarious. It looks like a generic platformer with N64 graphics and after the very good Zack and Wiki, this is just poor. Don't let your fanboyism blind you when the evidence is right there.

Shameless said:
This is becoming ridiculous. Being a Wii only owner is looking like a terrible idea at the moment.

Huh, well I'm having more fun this generation than any other.  Luckily I didn't buy my Wii for all the Spyborgz hype.

--OkeyDokey-- said:
yushire said:
takkxyz said:
yushire said:
takkxyz said:
@yushire: Well... Isn't it nicer if a game is different from an existing game that have been announced? Just like a buffet, more variety is always better, it's not like Wii have a lot of this type of game (or does it, I might not been paying that much attention to it recently?).

P.S. I just made myself hungry in the middle of the night... great...


Well even I dont know that its Bionic games game, I have hope for this to be good, just read my first comment on this when I first take the screenshot on this site. Its not okey dokey that brings the screnshot of the game it is me <_< atleast give credit whats credit due. Its that gonintendo posts influence me...


? I am not sure what you mean, I didn't intentionally give or take credit away from anyone. If I may have offended, I apologize for whatever wrong I may have done.


Ask okey dokey about that, but it my fault too, if I should've known I created this thread myself! DANG! OH how fool I am! Like I said Im the one who give the link of this game before okey dokey did


Ya snooze, ya lose :)


You've posted just for that arent you? anyway, OH WELL you lose some you win some...


end of core gaming days prediction:


E3 2006-The beginning of the end. Wii introduced


E3 2008- Armageddon. Wii motion plus introduced. Wii Music. Reggie says Animal crossing was a core game. Massive disappointment. many Wii core gamers selling their Wii.


E3 2010- Tape runs out

Shameless said:
sc94597 said:
Shameless said:
This is becoming ridiculous. Being a Wii only owner is looking like a terrible idea at the moment.
How, so? Is the game too kiddyz?


 Your desperate attempts to try and hype this game are hilarious. It looks like a generic platformer with N64 graphics and after the very good Zack and Wiki, this is just poor. Don't let your fanboyism blind you when the evidence is right there.

 You never even seen gameplay. None of us know what genre it is, or even if this is the same game that was compared to lost planet etc. The graphics are far above n64 standards, I would love to see an n64 pull of those high resolution textures, shading, polygon count and lighting, and also have not too many jaggies. How bout we jsut say it looks far superior to n64 games. I would say mid-range ps2 graphics. The art direction is nice anyway to compensate. We know almost nothing about the game so don't make assumptions that the game will automatically suck. I stayed open to it being good or bad, if you read the first post in this thread by me. 

Shameless said:
sc94597 said:
Shameless said:
This is becoming ridiculous. Being a Wii only owner is looking like a terrible idea at the moment.
How, so? Is the game too kiddyz?


 Your desperate attempts to try and hype this game are hilarious. It looks like a generic platformer with N64 graphics and after the very good Zack and Wiki, this is just poor. Don't let your fanboyism blind you when the evidence is right there.

Which looks worse:

Hint: it's not your game "N64 graphics"