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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Capcom's New Wii game - Spyborgs...

why is it that the same people who complain about whiners in other threads are the only ones being negative in this thread

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Screw you OkeyDokey! I am reporting you for making me doubt Capcom. Those screen shots suck, it is like they used the more bland, dull and boring pics they had. The third one is just a wall. The trailer on the other hand is amazing it is like drinking a milkshake made of epic win and boobies.

Off Topic:

SDF is here again. Let me try and use their twisted logic against them:

If you want to enjoy all great Capcom games get a Wii and a 360. That way you get the best exclusives (Zack and Wiki, Dead Rising), the best Lost Planet version (the one that doesn`t look like a PSX game), the best DMC 4 version (without big ass install times) and the best RE 5 version. From now on, for every multi platform game, expect the Ps3 getting the leftovers from the superior 360 version.

Satan said:

"You are for ever angry, all you care about is intelligence, but I repeat again that I would give away all this superstellar life, all the ranks and honours, simply to be transformed into the soul of a merchant's wife weighing eighteen stone and set candles at God's shrine."

Unless I missed something, we got through the first two pages without the trolls limping from underneath their bridges.

Anyways, I was a bit disappointed when I first saw the screens, but the teaser turned my frown upside down.

I've been happy with Capcom's production on Wii (I have four of their releases - RE4, Okami, ZDub, & RE:UC), so I'm interested to see how this turns out...

Me said:
BengaBenga said:
konnichiwa said:
BengaBenga said:
konnichiwa said:
BengaBenga said:
mrkk said:
First Ubisoft, now Capcom.
It's like third parties didn't want the Wii to succeed...

Seriously: quit moaning already. WTF has this game to do with Babiez Party?!? Absolutely NOTHING!
The artstyle looks cool, it has some humor and great characters. You may not like these kind of games, that's alright, but every blind frog can see that this game is going to have quality. Maybe not yet in the visual department, bu it is set for a 2009 release so a lot can be done to it.

Capcom =/= Ubisoft. We have RE4Wii, Zack & Wiki and Okami and will get Spyborgs, Hot Shot Golf and Monster Hunter (and probably Streetfighter 4 as well) so STFU about Capcom! I mean it.

Wow, RE4 Wii = Port, Okami = Port who didn't worked out that well. zack Wiki is good though....Hot shot golf ..A golf game hurray =p.....Monster Hunter 3, No one cared about the first two parts over here now we do?;..=p Well wait and see..

Street fighter 4, serious keep on dreaming

So, since when did you turn out to be an elitist? You can scream port all you want, I absolutely enjoyed RE4Wii, despite already playing it on Gamecube. Okami is a port of a Game of the Year, so please continue playing Lair when I'm playing my port (which btw has improved controls, 480p and widescreen). There are numerous people that like Golf games and me and a million Japanese are looking forward to Monster Hunter 3.

Streetfighter 4 still has one unnanounced platform next to PC, 360 and PS3, so unless I'm the one that's insane I think chances are way over 50% (or you have to think that DS and PSP are more worthy candidates for a game that has never seen a handheld version).

Elitist moi? Nah, I am just surprised that you praise capcom to heaven of two games who are just two games who were released years before on a other console =p.

I mean if they re release Viewtifull Joe for the Wii you will bring them to god status?

Sorry but did you read the reviews of Okami almost everyone was complaining how the controls didn't worked out that well and you call that improved controls =p?

I don't have Lair but maybe I can play the better version of Okami on my PS2 :).

Ok...I just never saw someone that really liked the gold games and monster Hunter Franchise :).

Hmm that is a good question yups could be Wii :)..

Well in fact I really like the games Capcom has offered so far and I will buy Okami when it arrives (will see what's the better version then), but I think you misunderstood me. I was reacting to mrkk who said that Capcom = Ubisoft. I wanted to point out that this is absolute nonsense.

I personally don't like Golf games, but a lot of people do and the Capcom golf game is supposed to be a quality golf game.
And yeah, like I said, I'm very much interested in Monster Hunter because I tend to like Japanese games and I want to see what all the fuzz is about. - sorry, doesn't look like it

Capcom had initially stated it would be bringing Street Figher IV to as many consoles and portables as possible. But will a Wii edition be arriving? Not yet, according to Capcom's Yoshinori Ono, Producer of the new project.

During the Captivate 08 event last week, Ono-san stated "The fact of the matter is we haven't planned for a Wii version yet," and rather embarrassingly he had to personally apologise directly to Nintendo about the rumours of a Wii version coming.

It makes you wonder what was said during that conversation. Surely Nintendo will be actively encouraging Capcom to bring a version of SFIV to DS and Wii, especially given how the Street Fighter franchise has been most popular on the Super Nintendo in the past.

 Hmm interesting. This is the list of planned Capcom projects:


I wonder where that last SF4 is going then? Is till think it'll be Wii though, especially considering Japan.

that is interesting - hopefully you're right. Perhaps it's the PSP or the DS, maybe even both.

Would make sense to make another version and use it for PS2, Wii, PSP.


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Not at all sure what to think of this. I honestly have almost no opinion on it. The screens are below Wii graphics level, but that's not really anywhere near enough to judge the quality of the game... so, um, wait and see?

embeded youtube version of the trailer for those yet to see it. Looks interesting, I haven't decided either way.




You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

A new IP from capcom...? Nice!!

SSBB FC: 5155 2671 4071 elgefe02: "VGChartz's Resident Raving Rabbit"   MKWii:5155-3729-0989

I am only going to be positive about this game because some devs off R&C work on it.

I love R&C so I hope they can do something with this and fingers crossed that it is not the coffee lady who went away from Insomniac to this bionic games.

I haven't played Ratchet and Clank or Resistance but I will see where this game goes