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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Itagaki quits and sues Tecmo

DMeisterJ said:
Dead or Alive and Ninja Gaiden coming to a PS3 near you

 that would be the best thing for me


lol that bastard was standing infront of ports to PS3,,,,with him gone  I can easily see tecmo goin multiplat with DOA.




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That's right, it's possible NG2 and DOA will go to the PS3. Does that mean PS3 fans will finally stop pissing on NG2 at every chance? Please...

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

NJ5 said:
That's right, it's possible NG2 and DOA will go to the PS3. Does that mean PS3 fans will finally stop pissing on NG2 at every chance? Please...

 lol I don't like ninja gaiden,,,I bought the first one day one on my xbox,,,,,it was hard for me ,,,I never got to get pass chappter 11,,,lol ,I know I sound like a nood but it was freaking hard rather than fun.


but dead or alive,,,,I love that series(don't tell sony fans but more than tekken   ) 




NJ5 said:
@Doktor85: Don't forget that Ninja Gaiden's sales on the Xbox were split between two games - Ninja Gaiden and Ninja Gaiden Black (the remake).

 @NJ5: Don't forget that Ninja Gaiden Sigma is outdated, although with new content. And PS3 had a much smaller userbase. 2 vs 1 is unfair.

Tecmo made an agreement with Microsoft to release Team Ninja Games exclusive on 360. There is a chance these games will be released on PS3. However it's not likely until Xbox 720 has arrived. 

@Doktor85: Sure, there are a lot of factors (even some neither of us mentioned), I just pointed out Ninja Gaiden Black because I think it's pretty important for a sales comparison. Unfortunately, vgchartz doesn't have any sales data for Black.

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

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lol it only took 4 replys to someone say he should sign with nintendo

Ah hope he starts something as badass as Ninja Gaden and DoA two of my favorite VG series and I hope Team Ninja can keep up the quality in their series without him.

Think twice before helping a friend in need.

Ninja Gaiden had no competition on Xbox. Hack 'n Slash fans had chosen for PS2 last generation. Ninja Gaiden was unproven on Xbox and proven on PS3.

Tecmo/Team Ninja decided to sail with Microsoft. They were making games that the Xbox didn't had. There was almost no competition for DOA and Ninja Gaiden. Competition was exclusive to PS2.

This generation the competition went multiplatform.
If itagaki games are Microsoft exclusive they will sell less, compared to his games being Sony exclusive. If a third party funds his projects he will sell the most. However it all depends on the conditions that will be offered. But looking at his past projects PS3 suits the best.

It's a big loss for Microsoft, it's likely they will offer the best conditions. And Itagaki can have his revenge on Tecmo and go head tot head with is old IP's DOA and Ninja Gaiden.

LordTheNightKnight said:
epsilon72 said:
Also, I expect all of the "Tekken sucks" and "Devil May Cry sucks" rhetoric to be changed to "Tekken, Devil May Cry, and all Tecmo games suck".

If Tecmo tells gamers they were wrong for liking Itgaki's games, then I think you'll get some hate for Tecmo.

No, you misunderstand - Itagaki was the one who would always say "Tekken sucks" and "Devil May Cry sucks".

Also, how log until we see NG2 on the PS3 now that he no longer has any say concerning it?  I would buy it.

itagaki left so people think NG2 has a chance of a port, but you do realise an exclusive deal was made. It says it's exclusive on the box, Bioshock on the other hand didn't.

I would like to see him run his own Microsoft funded studio in Japan.