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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Boycott the Boycott

So im boycotting all of this 'Boycott Ubisoft' nonsense for a couple reasons.  One being I have contacts who work very hard for Ubisoft and I respect that they are doing their best. Secondly, even if it is true that they are making sub-par games on the Wii, having all of these boycott threads are just clogging up the forums with posts Ubisoft will likely never consider.  You won't see them release a statement tomorrow saying "Because of the uprising at, we have decided to pour all our manpower into the Wii".  Its ok to boycott, but keep it one thread!  I for one though, am boycotting the boycott.  I don't think that kind of negativity gets us anywhere.  Anyone who agrees, let your opinion be heard!

Brian ZuckerGeneral PR Manager,

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There's only one way to prove it.

Show me your receipt when you buy Imagine Babyz.

I'm going to boycott your boycott. I've become a video game vigilante. I was in Best Buy today making sure some poor uninformed "casual" didn't buy any game with a "z" on the end of the name. I'll be back there next weekend. The line must be drawn HERE!

hahahahahaha i got my wife bunnyzzzzz for her birthday and I will admit i play it every now and then hahahahaha oh how the world is going to hate me now!!! She loves bunnies so I had no choice, I would never have gotten it for her except for IGN's half decent review of the game I figured it wouldnt be to much of a waste of cash, I got it on special to! MUAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAA However to counteract that purchase I also got wii fit 2 days earlier and on the same day super paper mario and warior ware ;) I am redeemed

If at first you don't succeed, you fail

SnowWhitesDrug stop with taking that stuff...

@Loadofstatement:  yeah it sucks if you know people who works hard at Ubisoft and then get boycotted..

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I think ubi soft are just targeting girls with these cheap games, theres nothing for the hard core gamers to be worried about, they are still making and publishing games for the hard core. But there arnt to many companies making these types of girl only oriented games so I will say "its good ubi soft is making all these games" because girls arnt like "ohh give me some cartoon character to rip to pieces ect" they are like "ohhhhhhhh bunnys!!! PONYZ!!! GIVE ME THAT GAME NOW HUSBAND/ BOYFRIEND/ DAD" Shame on you if you choose thoes games over nintendogs though, cos thats a so much better game! but still targeted to boys and girls of any age, the "zz's" games are targeted to girls who like cute things who will like the game no matter what because its cute. Like the girls who like anything thats pink just because its pink

If at first you don't succeed, you fail

^ You sound like AoA.

As much as I hate to admit this...I liked it better when you guys were blaming Wii Fit. At least those threads came with comics.

super_etecoon said:
As much as I hate to admit this...I liked it better when you guys were blaming Wii Fit. At least those threads came with comics.

 I have a feeling you just inspired fkusumot to make one where someone blames WiiFit for Ubisoft's game. =P

super_etecoon said:
As much as I hate to admit this...I liked it better when you guys were blaming Wii Fit. At least those threads came with comics.

Well what would your idea for a comic be?