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Forums - Sony Discussion - MGS4 90 minute cut scenes/install size discussed on X-Play

Magnific0 said:
Ok pig. Then It seems it's alright If I talk about your mama and call you a bum? I'm just saying, since that guy got away with it in front of your face, I guess it has your approval.

Honestly, I didn't notice the post until you pointed it out.

Let it go, man. Worry about what you're doing, not everybody else. That "report" button is there for a reason.

Now let's get this thread back on topic. 

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alright. by the way, nice to see the monkey sig back.

On topic : I think 99% of the people complaining about the install time and long cutscenes were not going to buy or play the game anyway. I also think over 50% of the people who will buy this game know nothing of the 90 minute cut-scenes or installation. How can I be so sure? I'm not.

 edit: fixed my previous post. :P

Btw, there is no 90-minute cutscene.

windbane said:
Btw, there is no 90-minute cutscene.

There are several reports of obnoxiously long cutscenes and one extremely vague reference from a GamePro editor talking about how he didn't remember anything being that long.

I'm inclined to go with the several reports and not the amnesiac politician from GamePro. 

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Well, none of the reviews which do mention these long cut-scenes say in anyway they are bad or bad for the game. I don't think any of these reviewers have taken any points off the final score because of this either. So, what gives? pause, skip it, watch it later, ignore it, don't play the game, there are plenty of options, the reviewers certainly played the whole game including the scenes and liked it enough to say mostly good things about it and none of them actually considered the length of cinematics that relevant for the overall enjoyment of the experience.

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So the real question is will these long cut-scenes keep you up late or will they put you sleep earlier than usual?

whatever the case, x-play is still racist against Japan

So what's the problem with the install? Didn't lost planet needed a 5gb? It was a mess as a game.

huuuu, haaaa it has big cutscenes..... do they really know what is MG? Don't like it don't buy it. 

This reviews make me laugh. It seems that the big problem with this game is that is ps3 exclusive. 

And as sony don't pay for reviews we have the get this crap.

MG games are for people who likes to appreciate a fresh and good story, and not everyone get it.

luistomas8782 said:

So what's the problem with the install? Didn't lost planet needed a 5gb? It was a mess as a game.

huuuu, haaaa it has big cutscenes..... do they really know what is MG? Don't like it don't buy it. 

This reviews make me laugh. It seems that the big problem with this game is that is ps3 exclusive. 

And as sony don't pay for reviews we have the get this crap.

MG games are for people who likes to appreciate a fresh and good story, and not everyone get it.

Wooooo yeah!

Listen to...whoever the hell this is!

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

x-play doesnt have any biased towards a system if the game is good or great then it will get the hype and props from them like it deserves. and also "too human" doesnt look like a ps2/xbox game if that is what you think spartanfx then you need to get your eyes check.