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Forums - Sony Discussion - MGS4 90 minute cut scenes/install size discussed on X-Play

rocketpig said:
NFGBlinkAC said:
ChuckG16 said:
Magnific0 said:
installs, long cutscenes...these are the gayest complainst ever.
not everybody lives with momma and has no job like you man, ppl got things to do not watch 90 min cutscences nd install a game of15 their hard drive


If no one has time to watch a 90 minute cut scene and install a game, then why buy PC games? Why buy a game at all? I mean, you spend more time on a game than 90 minutes.

Bolded for obvious reasons.

What are you trying to imply with this rocketpig?  That some people buy games and not movies so that they can actually play them?  That's just silly.

I mean, PS3 owners bought their console as a BluRay player afterall so it's no surprise that they're more partial to movies than actual gaming.  <== Kidding.  I'm sure some bought it as a media center.  ^_^ 

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Words Of Wisdom said:
rocketpig said:
NFGBlinkAC said:
ChuckG16 said:
Magnific0 said:
installs, long cutscenes...these are the gayest complainst ever.
not everybody lives with momma and has no job like you man, ppl got things to do not watch 90 min cutscences nd install a game of15 their hard drive


If no one has time to watch a 90 minute cut scene and install a game, then why buy PC games? Why buy a game at all? I mean, you spend more time on a game than 90 minutes.

Bolded for obvious reasons.

What are you trying to imply with this rocketpig? That some people buy games and not movies so that they can actually play them? That's just silly.

I mean, PS3 owners bought their console as a BluRay player afterall so it's no surprise that they're more partial to movies than actual gaming. <== Kidding. I'm sure some bought it as a media center. ^_^

Yeah. Call me silly but I actually enjoy participating in a videogame. 


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I don't get all the people bashing MGS 4 for the long cutscenes and the install

Firstly I personally play Metal Gear for the story. Having long cutscenes has always been in the series (sure not 90 min long ones but still). Also with many people wanting a Metal Gear movie, I think this is the closest we will ever be to actually have a movie about it in the game itself. But this is not the point, the important is that these cutscenes are skippable (and i hope pausable) so if you really don't give a shit about the story, you can skip right away! Then again I don't know why you are playing MGS but okay it's your opinion.
But in the end I have no idea, I guess it won't be a problem anymore to have 90 min cutscenes when it gets ported to the 360... Suddenly it will be awesome...

Second the install... I personally feel that the installs should be optional, the only game i've known so far to do so is Ninja Gaiden Sigma. Still I will accept it from a game like MGS: 4 and Gta IV... but i still get a little mad because If a game like Uncharted can go with almost NO load times and NO install, I can't see why other games can't... And I personally find it offensive when a game like Haze requires it... It doesn't look half as good as Gta IV (or doesn't even play half as good as Gta IV) but requires the same install... now thats ridiculous!

Anybody know if you can pause/save mid-cutscene? I rarely game for more than an hour at a time these days.  And when I do have an extended session it's hard to go half an hour without being interrupted and having to take a break for a minute.

ChuckG16 said:
Magnific0 said:
installs, long cutscenes...these are the gayest complainst ever.
  not everybody lives with momma and has no job like you man, ppl got things to do not watch 90 min cutscences nd install a game of15 their hard drive 


and come to this website to reply bullshit, it seems you have plenty of time, loser.


@rocketpig   if you're goint to warn me about using words like gay NON-DIRECTED TO NOBODY here especifically, then you WILL WARN assholes like this cuckg16 insulting me without no reason. You do that or I will respond back and it will not be pretty.

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Magnific0 said:
ChuckG16 said:
Magnific0 said:
installs, long cutscenes...these are the gayest complainst ever.
not everybody lives with momma and has no job like you man, ppl got things to do not watch 90 min cutscences nd install a game of15 their hard drive


and come to this website to reply bullshit, it seems you have plenty of time, loser.


@rocketpig if you're goint to warn me about using words like gay NON-DIRECTED TO NOBODY here especifically, then you WILL WARN assholes like this cuckg16 insulting me without no reason. You do that or I will respond back and it will not be pretty.

Bitter! Party of one, your table is ready! Bitter!

I give that post a 9.8.

Thank god for the disable signatures option.

Magnific0 said:
ChuckG16 said:
Magnific0 said:
installs, long cutscenes...these are the gayest complainst ever.
not everybody lives with momma and has no job like you man, ppl got things to do not watch 90 min cutscences nd install a game of15 their hard drive


and come to this website to reply bullshit, it seems you have plenty of time, loser.

@rocketpig if you're goint to warn me about using words like gay NON-DIRECTED TO NOBODY here especifically, then you WILL WARN assholes like this cuckg16 insulting me without no reason. You do that or I will respond back and it will not be pretty.

Are you really threatening me? Oy. It's stated in the rules not to use "gay" in a derogatory manner... I didn't even warn you, I just told you to stop. Other moderators would not have been so lenient.

Chuck was also out of line. Big deal. Mind what you say and not everyone else on the board. If you have a real problem with it, report the post, just like everybody else does. Vague threats toward me don't go over well. 

Or check out my new webcomic:

ChuckG16 said:
Magnific0 said:
installs, long cutscenes...these are the gayest complainst ever.
  not everybody lives with momma and has no job like you man, ppl got things to do not watch 90 min cutscences nd install a game of15 their hard drive 


So wait...people playing on computer games actually have other things they shpuld be doing....why play in the first place?

Did u make an account on here just to prove how stupid you are?

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

Ok pig. Then It seems it's alright If I talk about your mama and call you a bum? I'm just saying, since that guy got away with it in front of your face, I guess it has your approval.

Cobertnation said:
SpartanFX said:
Cobertnation said:
Thank God someone else notices the bias that X-play shows daily.

yea man ,,,some one has to be either 360fanboy or blind not to see the bias against both nintendo and Sony on their show.I mean how cheap is this?going to the nintendo wii fit ceremony and make fun of the device infront of the nintendo reperesentative,,,,

Once a caller called and said I ve finished GTA4 on my xbox and i m tried of GTA ,,which game will have the midnight opening in future I wanna try something new ,,,,sessler answered: come on you should not be tired of GTA and you have to wait for DLC for GTA4 ,,,he didn't even acknowledge the MGS4 and the midnight opening for the game.

and this recent epiosde just shows the bias that they devote an episode for talking about only the negatives in the game. I will truly be done wiht X-play, if they dont do an episode devoted to all the positives things in mgs4 on the release day, i will stop watching   

Not to mention they are racist against Japan.