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I don't get all the people bashing MGS 4 for the long cutscenes and the install

Firstly I personally play Metal Gear for the story. Having long cutscenes has always been in the series (sure not 90 min long ones but still). Also with many people wanting a Metal Gear movie, I think this is the closest we will ever be to actually have a movie about it in the game itself. But this is not the point, the important is that these cutscenes are skippable (and i hope pausable) so if you really don't give a shit about the story, you can skip right away! Then again I don't know why you are playing MGS but okay it's your opinion.
But in the end I have no idea, I guess it won't be a problem anymore to have 90 min cutscenes when it gets ported to the 360... Suddenly it will be awesome...

Second the install... I personally feel that the installs should be optional, the only game i've known so far to do so is Ninja Gaiden Sigma. Still I will accept it from a game like MGS: 4 and Gta IV... but i still get a little mad because If a game like Uncharted can go with almost NO load times and NO install, I can't see why other games can't... And I personally find it offensive when a game like Haze requires it... It doesn't look half as good as Gta IV (or doesn't even play half as good as Gta IV) but requires the same install... now thats ridiculous!