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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - If you really want to protest Ubisoft

kingofwale said:
Could've donated all that money to any of AIDS fighting group in African.

Instead of seeing those package getting thrown out, you can actually save a life or two. But hey, your money. :)

I agree 100%.


Hey, some peoples priorities are different than others..


On topic: That was a good job tho. Stick it to them .

Around the Network

Oh wow, this could really catch on, there's still a lot of pissed people all over the net (just google "ubisoft responds" and check it out). I would truly be interested in see what Ubisoft had to say if this works.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

I will raise you DK! Just don't know how yet.

Absolutely awesome joke!

Let's see what I can send to Paris?

^ You mean Montreuil-sous-Bois?

We should spread this to other forums? or Is thix too much of a joke to work? At least they get the bad feeling of being insulted the way they insult wii owners.

Around the Network
Rath said:
azrm2k said:
haha I've stayed out of this whole boycott/ubidayz nonsense for the most part but this is great.

This could be the beginnings of an epic event. I get the feeling that having a thousand plastic shovels turn up on their doorstop would get Ubisofts attentions. Even if it doesn't it would be fucking hilarious.

Ubisoft: Wii titles = questionable quality. Ubisoft needs to lift its game and deliver improved Wii games.

konnichiwa said:
Rath said:
konnichiwa said:
RolStoppable said:
misterd said:
Good job! My only concern would be that "Shovelware" may be a regional colloquialism. Should find out what is French for "shitty games."

Of course we could always get a Wii fan from Germany to call them up and order them to make better games...

How do you mean? What am I missing here?

I guess he wanted to say that we let some other Europeans make a good game on the Wii and he choose Germany as a example.

Or refferring to the fact that Germany conquered France about 65 years ago?

Wow that is strange thinking of you =p..... But maybe he meant that;..

I think he did. Remember the only thing us Americans know about Europe is that the Germans took it over and the French lose wars.

Click the link to find out more.

French Military Victories, Google Search

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

 I don't endorse all of the stupid boycott trend. I just thought that you might like to know about this service. 


I'm boycotting all (all formats) Ubisoft games not just the ones I think are bad (that would be silly).