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Forums - Sony Discussion - I did it- a bought a PS3.

And I must say, I'm completley unimpressed as of now. I was smart and only rented Resistance but god, it feels like such an ordinary game. I don't get where the hype was for this game.


Hopefully MGS4 is actually good, or I will have just wasted 400 dollars 


edit: ya oops, i bought a PS3* 

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I did it- a bought a PS3

I think you mean "I did it- I bought a PS3"

Resistance: Fall of Man is a premier shooter on the PS3. Play the game online and see if you like it or not. I clearly played the campaign and liked it for a brief period but quickly jump ship online to experience the mayhem.

Also, take into account. This was Insomniac first attempt on the PS3 hardware and FPS segments. Try more time with the game before passing judgement :)

you rented a launch game 1 year and 8 months after launch... did you think about that? Anyway, i still disagree with you cause just a couple of days ago i played Resistance again after months and i still like it a lot.

Kamahl said:
you rented a launch game 1 year and 8 months after launch... did you think about that? Anyway, i still disagree with you cause just a couple of days ago i played Resistance again after months and i still like it a lot.

Thats what I'm trying to figure out..Why rent?!?

It's a launch game. Games have sure evolved a LOT in the last year and a half. It was good when it came out, but is now a bit behind the times. Try something like CoD4 and see what you think----or as you said, MGS4.


Also, try Singstar with a's a blast. 

PSN ID: Sorrow880

Gamertag: Sorrow80

Wii #: 8132 1076 3416 7450

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for how long did you play it?

the game isnt very good at first but it gradually becomes better and better !
the game will only become epic if you let it....through mild patience

Check out my game about moles ^

Well thats up to your opinion, i personally didn't like Gears of War in the slightest.

But Resistance is really good. And you didn't waste $400.

Also...did you set up your PS3 for online play.

Whats your PSN ID?

And you did not waste $400. Your $400 will be precious to you once the wealth of exclusives on the PS3 start to come out.

You need to get some more games before you pass judgement on the whole console!

Get games such as Uncharted, R&C, COD4 etc and you will change your mind about it being unimpressive!

I was also a bit disenchanted when I picked up my PS3, but, it has since become my favorite console, ever.

I just wish everything on PS3 wasn't delayed to death.

We'll miss you George.



My friends call me Hadoken because I'm down-right fierce