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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Ninja Gaiden 2 not so HD 585p

DMeisterJ said:
I can't wait to Starcraft talks about this.

wow, you have a real hard on for Starcraft.. eh?


On topic - Does anyone here think the regular Xbox 360 user cares about the resolution? Really??? 


Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


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gebx said:
DMeisterJ said:
I can't wait to Starcraft talks about this.

wow, you have a real hard on for Starcraft.. eh?

Uh, duh! 

I love Starcraft!  As you can see in my siggy, he's my IDOL.

Whatever it is it's one of the best looking games on the market.
Put's all PS3 games to shame.


I see we still have alot of people who are like cavemen and still think higher resolution means better looking game.

resolution isnt really that important anyway. The game still lokks good.

As long as the game does not look blurd or jaggie on a huge tv then i dont really see what the problem is to be honest.

Oh, no! How could this happen. Now I just can't go on knowing this game will only run at that resolution!

LOL. Why are we so hung up on the game's resolution? As long as the gameplay is good and the graphics are nice, who really cares? Does anybody remember "gameplay", or has it become something unimportant?

I'm starting to get the feeling that some people in these forums are decedents of the creators of the Edsel... the ultimate automotive technological showpiece. Too bad nobody actually wanted the thing...

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Foshoryuken said:

I see we still have alot of people who are like cavemen and still think higher resolution means better looking game.

That's because it does. Let take "Williams: Pinball Hall of Fame" for an good example which won't blow away a lot of games when it comes to graphic but clearly higher resolution would help big time. (like many of the PC pinball games) The fact is high resolution will make even average game look better in the same way that higher resolution makes a photo look better. Higher resolution add (more like reveals) details plus when it comes to LCD the closer you get to it's native resolution the better.

It's the same with 60 fps looks better than 30 fps yet 30 fps wouldn't make the game less playable than 60 fps.


Smidlee said:


purposely done lol


But to be honest you are over raiting resolution. yes with a high resolution you can fit more on the screen but thats about it to be honest.

Heres a good example. The lion king.

this game was for Megadrive/Genesis Snes. on the snes the game looked more vibrant and blended better.

On the megadrive the game had a higher resolution but the colours looked crazy.

However the low resolution on the snes made the game kinda un-playable because you could not see your enemies coming at you untill they are like 2 cms in front. but on the megadrive you could see your enemies from a good distance.

But being as resolution has been high enough to play nearly any game without any problems since ps1,  haveing a high resolution is just for the sakes of eye candy. it dont really add anything to the game.

If they had to sacrifice some resolution to provide me with the amazing gameplay that they have, good job. The game is fun as fuck and hard as fuck.

Foshoryuken said:

Whatever it is it's one of the best looking games on the market.
Put's all PS3 games to shame.


I see we still have alot of people who are like cavemen and still think higher resolution means better looking game.

Let's not get carried away with things.  It's a nice looking game but....

Thanks for the input, Jeff.