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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - LucasArts not ruling out Point & Click games

LucasArts: we’re not ruling out new graphic adventures

Back in the 1990s, LucasArts’ output in the graphic adventure genre was unrivalled in the industry, but it’s a style of gameplay that died a death as the new millennium arrived, and only now (with the likes of Sam & Max returning) seems like being revived. While there’s no official word on anything in the works, LucasArts has revealed that it is interested in making another point-and-clicker.

Asked by Eurogamer whether LucasArts would ever make another graphic adventure, the firm’s PR Manager Chris Norris said:

We have looked at it. It is something we are continually looking at - new venues to put out our library of games on. We’re not announcing anything about that because honestly I don’t know anything about it. The decision is taken at a pay grade higher than ours. I would love to see new adventure games coming out. A lot of people will say they feel like the adventure game genre is dead. I don’t think it is, I think it’s changed in some ways. I think we’re still making adventure games but they’re a little bit different than before with survival horror games and the like.

Looks like there’s no chance of bringing any of its old classic to the Nintendo DS, though. Fracture assistant producer Jeffrey Gullett added:

The cart size of the DS makes it impossible to put out ports of any of our old graphic adventure. There’s literally not enough room on those carts to put the games out. It could still happen. We’ve got a lot of pride in our heritage and it’s definitely something we’re still leaving open.

After years of silence, at least now there is a glimmer of hope. Fingers crossed.


And my opinion -  
Here's hoping this happens - I even bought Secret Files Tsungami for the Wii on saturday and will personally buy every point & Click the Wii produces. Filing his one under hoping so, maybe one day i'll be playing a copy of monkey Wii Compilation



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Already posted. -.-

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


oh sorry... i'm so embarrased...


Interesting and all, but the "cart size" cop-out sounds very shallow in this day and age. DS carts can hold up to 256MB, and video/audio compression schemes have improved immensely in the last 15 years. If they seriously expect me to believe that they can't re-optimize Day of the Tentacle or Curse of Monkey Island to fit on a DS card, then they should really try selling that bridge of theirs to somebody more gullible.

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.

It's not surprising they're considering making them again, Digital Distribution on PC is really kicking in, and Sam & MAX: S1 probably made more money on Digital Distribution than most of Lucas Arts Adventures did on retail. Wii ports provide a decent cash-cow too.

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Sky Render said:
Interesting and all, but the "cart size" cop-out sounds very shallow in this day and age. DS carts can hold up to 256MB, and video/audio compression schemes have improved immensely in the last 15 years. If they seriously expect me to believe that they can't re-optimize Day of the Tentacle or Curse of Monkey Island to fit on a DS card, then they should really try selling that bridge of theirs to somebody more gullible.
yeah does sound a bit fishy - of course now you could now convert any audio to MP3. I would love the opportunity to replay Monkey Island using a Stylus or Wiimote in the comfort of my living room.



*Wants a new Monkey Island*.

"I even bought Secret Files Tsungami for the Wii"

How is that game anyway? I was intrigued by it when they announced it but, fell off my radar soon later.

        Wii code:                                        Mario Kart wii:
6586-0674-1620-6955                        0344-9880-0252
PM me if you added me and I'll add you:)

Self-proclaimed, biggest Resident Evil Fanboy of VGChartz!

Yay I love those kind of games.

But not if they are like Monkey Island 4.... no damn 3D I tell you ( couldnt even finish it)

Monkey Island 3 is my favorite so far.

even the old ones and the Indiana Jones game where great.

If it isn't turnbased it isn't worth playing   (mostly)

And shepherds we shall be,

For Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritūs Sancti. -----The Boondock Saints

Slash said:
"I even bought Secret Files Tsungami for the Wii"

How is that game anyway? I was intrigued by it when they announced it but, fell off my radar soon later.
 Haven't started it yet - still playing Boom Blox but will pm you in the next week or so when I start it and get a feel. Hoping it's like old Broken Sword game I played.