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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - microsoft giving up japan?

There are more Japanese oriented games coming out for the 360 than the PS3 this year.

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With Japanese consumers always being loyal to Japanese products (except Windows) what did you guys expect in regards to hardware? Its like the car industry, like selling GM, Ford in Japan.

The comments about software being wasted on 360 is crazy as the next step for Japanese developers is to cater to a worldwide market.

Go read what Square Enix, Capcom, Namco have all been saying, they can no longer financially make games that only sell to the Japanese market, unless they are being financially bumped by companies such as Sony and Microsoft. Which is what is happening to Namco, they need Microsoft to help push worldwide sales. HD JRPGs clearly cant do this with PS3 alone, not to mention the higher development costs for the PS3 kit.

starcraft said:
*bleu-ocelot* said:
NJ5 said:
MikeB said:
The 360 is braindead in Japan. MGS4's first week sales will probably crush the 360's best selling game's LTD for Japan, Blue Dragon. And Blue Dragon has outdone the second best selling 360 game for Japan by about 2 to 1.

IMO high end ambitious Japanese targeted content on the PS3 and lowend demanding content targeted at PS2 and Wii makes much more sense, rather than wasting Japanese talent on creating 360 games for Japan.

To tell the truth, both HD consoles are dead in Japan. It's no coincidence that Japanese developers are the first to start shifting support to the Wii. If your game only (or mostly) appeals to Japanese gamers, there's no justification to make it PS3 or 360, as Sega has already learned with Yakuza 3.

There's no way a Japanese-oriented game can be profitable on the HD consoles.


360 is dead even with all those JRPG's,but the PS3 hasn't had a single game that would appeal to the Japenese mass market."There's no way a Japanese-oriented game can be profitable on the HD consoles."?? Well MGS4 disagrees.Its already shown strong pre-order numbers.

It would appear that Lost Odyssey is profitable based on its sales.

But you will find that MGS4 isn't Japan-orientated at all. IF you look at past sales of the series, you can see its never broken a million in Japan.


Each Mgs game has sold enough copies in Japan alone,to be profitable.


Imperial said:

Please forgive me when I say I have no idea what your talking about , software support for the PS3 (which apeal the japanesse is mininam) . If the PS3 had the 360s line up of Japanese games then I wouldn't be able to argue this.

Here are some PS3 games which were supposed to sell better in Japan:

The point is that currently, the PS3 and 360 are nothing more than niche consoles in Japan.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

NJ5 said:
Imperial said:

Please forgive me when I say I have no idea what your talking about , software support for the PS3 (which apeal the japanesse is mininam) . If the PS3 had the 360s line up of Japanese games then I wouldn't be able to argue this.

Here are some PS3 games which were supposed to sell better in Japan:

The point is that currently, the PS3 and 360 are nothing more than niche consoles in Japan.


And here is an even more telling example:


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

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starcraft said:
NJ5 said:
Imperial said:

Please forgive me when I say I have no idea what your talking about , software support for the PS3 (which apeal the japanesse is mininam) . If the PS3 had the 360s line up of Japanese games then I wouldn't be able to argue this.

Here are some PS3 games which were supposed to sell better in Japan:

The point is that currently, the PS3 and 360 are nothing more than niche consoles in Japan.


And here is an even more telling example:


 VC is a SRPG and it has sold really well for a SRPG. It has already outsold Disgaea 3, even though Disgaea is a proven franchise and VC is a new IP.

NJ5 said:
Imperial said:

Please forgive me when I say I have no idea what your talking about , software support for the PS3 (which apeal the japanesse is mininam) . If the PS3 had the 360s line up of Japanese games then I wouldn't be able to argue this.

Here are some PS3 games which were supposed to sell better in Japan:

The point is that currently, the PS3 and 360 are nothing more than niche consoles in Japan.


You cant be serious with that list.The 360 is niche,but the PS3's sucess is determined by its software not because it's an HD console.A game(s) that appeals to the mass market and not just to a certain audience will be the benefactor.

Even Kojima said himself that Western developers are ahead of the game.

Unless things drastically change in the developers community, I think its more a case of Japan better hope Microsoft does not give up on them, or HD Japanese games are going to go another step backwards. SCEJ is being overly cautious with their resources at the moment.

EDIT: By the way, Kojima is in London today and New York next week. If you are one of the 300 who gets in the queue, maybe you can ask him these questions? lol

*bleu-ocelot* said:

You cant be serious with that list.The 360 is niche,but the PS3's sucess is determined by its software not because it's an HD console.A game(s) that appeals to the mass market and not just to a certain audience will be the benefactor.

What's wrong with the list? It's just supposed to show that even PS3 games which are supposed to do well in Japan, have mostly flopped. What's this mass market savior you have in mind? Don't quote me on this, but Everybody's Golf is a pretty mainstream game and it did nothing to save the PS3 there. Monster Hunter 3 would probably have boosted the PS3, but it's now a Wii exclusive.

FFXIII is probably PS3's last hope for Japan, and only god knows when that one's coming out.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

NJ5 said:
Imperial said:

Please forgive me when I say I have no idea what your talking about , software support for the PS3 (which apeal the japanesse is mininam) . If the PS3 had the 360s line up of Japanese games then I wouldn't be able to argue this.

Here are some PS3 games which were supposed to sell better in Japan:

The point is that currently, the PS3 and 360 are nothing more than niche consoles in Japan.


 Firstly Yazuka

Yakuza 2Sega2,9807.630.73m
Yakuza 3: Kenzan!Sega7,7197.700.27m


Never broke 1 million sales in japan (Definetley not a proven series ) , Sold progressivley worse since Yakua 1.

 I guess virtua fighter 4 is alright it sold over 1 milion on the PS2

Pro Evolution Soccer 2008Konami11,1600.000.50m

Managed to sell 100k on the Wii , real system seller there.

 And then prologue , not really a big system seller , GT4:P never broke 1 mill in Japan.


You're half assed atempt has basicly proven the lack of quality support the PS3 is getting.