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Forums - Sony Discussion - CVG:final verdict after finishing MGS4


it's a big article,,Closing statement: 

" Still, more than anything, this is a fitting debut (Finale? Kojima has neither confirmed or denied it) for the series on PS3. You'll play it. Again and again. You'll play it until your arms fall off. You'll find something new to love every time. Now excuse me, I'm getting withdrawal pangs. I need to get back to it.



here is the full article: 




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The guy was getting withdrawals!! Impressive!

I get like that with FF games sometimes lol

Sounds promising

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

Best game ever? Looking likely.


Q_A_X said:
Best game ever? Looking likely.

 for the fans of the series?probably yes






Around the Network

Posted in another thread but applies here as well:

Best game is subjective. It looks as if this game will be a love/hate one like MGS2 was.
Personally I loved MGS2 so I'll probably enjoy this game too.

But I expect a rush of disappointed posters similar to the lashback that came after MGS2.

SpartanFX said:
Q_A_X said:
Best game ever? Looking likely.

for the fans of the series?probably yes



Of course it's for the fans only.Their the only ones in on the fun.

man, with the popularity of this game within the HD console community + the hype that surrounds it. How soon will they be so called "backlash" from certain other community?

I might actually end up getting the game. GTA is finally feeling a bit old.

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The backlash will start probably a week after release... MGS2's hype was unprecedented at the time and the backlash began within a week of it's launch. Forums were massive warzones of MGS2 fanboys vs. haters. Probably one of the bloodiest massacres in video game history. I expect a lot of causalties after MGS4's wake as well.

Hype is what it is. I will come to my own conclusions on MGS4. I din't like 2 as much as I did one. MGS 3 is my favorite in the trilogy.

The guy is getting withdrawal...I get that with GTA but why would a MG game do that? Hmm....I can't wait to find out.

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