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Forums - General Discussion - What happens when the US pulls out of Iraq.

America! Fuck yeah! Coming again to save the motherfucking day yeah!

I say we pull out. I really don't care what the consequences are. It wasn't America's job to invade. It wasn't America's job to occupy. But it'd be nice to have some of that war money to put our kids through school and fix our health insurance problems and maybe even have an army at home with like, training or body armor. Our economy is totally fucked and we're spending all our money on Iraq, and not even doing it right.

Yeah yeah, Saddam was evil, but the ends don't justify the means. You don't get to lie your ass off about a million things to kill a bad guy. If that was our job, there are people far more evil than Saddam, but they don't have oil and the most efficient landmass in the world for reaching Europe, Asia, and Africa.

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Well, they pulled out of Vietnam and Vietnam's fine now.

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PDF said:
konnichiwa said:

What is the obsession with the military of some USA citizens for gods sake,

We are the worlds Super Power, that fact alone puts a big target on our back. We need to make sure that we are ready for anything. Military strength is very important to us as it was to the Romans and the British Empire. We are not a much smaller European nation that as far as military might is protected. Why do you not have to worry? The rest of europe along with the USA will have your back. A strong healthy military can be very good for economy if mangaed right and will help us keep our rank as #1 in the world. I am not interested at being dethoroned from superpower status.

Do you not see the difference between the world now and the world then? We live in a global society now, you can't simply invade and annex like the British and the Romans did and you aren't going to be attacked on every front by supressed natives. Also an invasion of Europe will not automatically mean American help, see WWI and WWII where Western Europe was invaded and the Americans only came when it was in their best interests.

Also I know that America runs on a military economy but clearly it isn't actually working at the moment - America is trillions of dollars in debt, its economy is receeding and the value of its currency is extremely low. Maybe its time to try something different?

We are in a economic depression what should we do? Invest in the army!!
The Chinese can make products for cheaper prices what should we do? Invest in the army!!!
?Once again you are making a connection that I wasnt making.

I am really shocked, you just want to occupy a country even more when they don't want you over there just for your own good sake,(how the fuck dare you. For our own good sake? We have american soildiers dying over there and you have the gall to say"for our own good sake"?

 He should have said 'for G.W.Bush's good sake. It was a massive popularity boost to him for a while, until the US became stuck. Also just because American soldiers are dieing doesn't mean its for a good cause.

while you don't care about the citizens in that country who is occupied.The north of Iraq sees Bush as a hero, how do you think they will feel when we leave? there opinion are not being expressed. The Majority of places in Iraq are so much better now. Kids can play soccer in the street without afraid of getting bombed. Do you have any idea the propaganda in Iraq agaisnt the USA. It is amazing we have any allies over there. I talk to soildiers in the military any chance I get and they tell me the same thing, we are doing good over there. Also within the Iraqi congress there is so much pressure to be against us. People who stand up for us are constantly threatend.

 Any proof that the north of Iraq sees Bush as a hero? Also you realise that under Saddam Hussien kids could also play soccer in the street without being afraid of being bombed?

Yes good start of making a good relationship with the Iraq citizens;...

We are the United States of America. We give more foriegn aid than any other country in the world. Yet we are selves are in a trillion dollar debt. We fight wars and get things done because the pussies in the UN wont. If the UN worked like it was suppose to wewouldnt have to do what were doing. You say who asked you to do it. We answer "the people that are not allowed to have a voice in their own country, the people who are deprived, the people who need our help." Thats who asks us.


Yea gods you are a patriot. You give more money on a absolute basis yet of industrialised nations give some of the least on a basis of GNI. You fight wars that the UN won't agree to because the UN has the brains to be thorough beforehand - you declared war on Iraq due to their WMDs, which it turned out didn't exist.

Oh and those same people you talk about, the deprived and blablabla, they are the same people who just voted for you to leave. Ever think about whether they really wanted to be invaded?


The Ghost of RubangB said:
America! Fuck yeah! Coming again to save the motherfucking day yeah!

I say we pull out. I really don't care what the consequences are. It wasn't America's job to invade. It wasn't America's job to occupy. But it'd be nice to have some of that war money to put our kids through school and fix our health insurance problems and maybe even have an army at home with like, training or body armor. Our economy is totally fucked and we're spending all our money on Iraq, and not even doing it right.

Yeah yeah, Saddam was evil, but the ends don't justify the means. You don't get to lie your ass off about a million things to kill a bad guy. If that was our job, there are people far more evil than Saddam, but they don't have oil and the most efficient landmass in the world for reaching Europe, Asia, and Africa.

You don't feel the slightest obligation to try to rebuild Iraq before we leave?

We started this mess, we're obligated to finish it as best we can. I think it's a chickenshit move to invade a country (warranted or not) and then bail out after everyone in America gets bored with it, leaving a bombed-out country ripe for invasion in our wake.

America owes it to the Iraqi people to see this mess through to some kind of conclusion. 

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MrBubbles said:
konnichiwa said:

We are in a economic depression what should we do?    Invest in the army!!
The Chinese can make products for cheaper prices what should we do?   Invest in the army!!!

the economic situation is hardly that serious but investing in the military can solve both issues.

destroy all the other countries in the world and the problems are solved ;)

Destroy the UK?

Come and have a go if you think you're hard enough.....

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