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The Ghost of RubangB said:
America! Fuck yeah! Coming again to save the motherfucking day yeah!

I say we pull out. I really don't care what the consequences are. It wasn't America's job to invade. It wasn't America's job to occupy. But it'd be nice to have some of that war money to put our kids through school and fix our health insurance problems and maybe even have an army at home with like, training or body armor. Our economy is totally fucked and we're spending all our money on Iraq, and not even doing it right.

Yeah yeah, Saddam was evil, but the ends don't justify the means. You don't get to lie your ass off about a million things to kill a bad guy. If that was our job, there are people far more evil than Saddam, but they don't have oil and the most efficient landmass in the world for reaching Europe, Asia, and Africa.

You don't feel the slightest obligation to try to rebuild Iraq before we leave?

We started this mess, we're obligated to finish it as best we can. I think it's a chickenshit move to invade a country (warranted or not) and then bail out after everyone in America gets bored with it, leaving a bombed-out country ripe for invasion in our wake.

America owes it to the Iraqi people to see this mess through to some kind of conclusion. 

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