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Forums - Gaming Discussion - I got a idea for Ubisoft`s casual division Logo

konnichiwa said:
naznatips said:
konnichiwa said:
naznatips said:
konnichiwa said:
You also could use it as a Wii logo considering the most games on it are shit games.

*Sigh* Why do you do this to me?  You've been such a good contributor on the site the last few weeks, and although you've been in debates you haven't done anything particularly bad.  I'm guessing you meant "considering most Ubisoft games on it are shit games," but it would still be inappropriate.  With all that in mind, I'm just giving you a warning this time. Please don't post flamebait like this in the future.  

 Are you saying the most Wii games are good?


Looking to the Wii games library I can only say their are maybe like 50 games that are worth your money when the others aren't?  Or you disagree?

It's a completely subjective opinion, and stating it like that is clearly just trying to start a flame war.

This isn't a debate konnichiwa.  I'm being nice on this one, so don't push me. 

 People refer now Ubisoft games =shitgames...  RRR is on place 24 of the top 25 best games on the Wii (look to gamerankings) and you and I or atleast I hope there are like 300 games.  If RRR is now Trash what are all the others who scored less? And I am not starting a flamewar it are the members itself who are saying this.

I have to defend you on this one, Konnichiwa is right, with this Ubisoft Boycott sickness around here people are basically saying that the games they create on the WII are crap. This flamewar has started like 16 hours ago, "by" Nintendo fans, without Konnichiwa's intereference. If you wish to stop this flamewar nonsense, you better start changing people's signature with the word "boycott" in it

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MontanaHatchet said:
ItsaMii said:
MontanaHatchet said:
Kingoftroll isn't even clever. At least Kingoffail rhymes...

Posting a sarcastic "4 million sales, here we come!" on the Mario and Sonic wall wasn`t very clever
also. Anyways, no one is keeping track of "not very clever" posts. If they did starcraft and DmeisterJ would be even fiercer rivals.

What the hell?

That's a completely old and irrelevant comment. Who gives a damn anymore? Naznatips and several other people agreed with me, so what's your point anyways?

I try to make a light hearted comment and you bring up something completely random. How annoying. 

 Rapid fanboys, can't have an opinion contrary to theirs or they will tear you apart.  The reason we get shit games on Wii is because morons buy the shit games.  I would love to get all the good games on my Wii but as long as people keep buying shit like Babiez, Pokemon(how much of this shit will they give u), Brain training(WTF??) and other casual vomit fests the only people you can blame is the idiots who buy them.  It is business, if i found buyers for buying myfeces then hey i would sell it to them.

Mil. Sellers:

Wii:      25 titles       101.4 mil total    avg 4 mil per title

PS3:     14 titles      28.6 mil total    avg ~2 mil per title

360:     41 titles      89.8 mil total   avg  >2 mil per title

MaximusOptimus said:
MontanaHatchet said:
ItsaMii said:
MontanaHatchet said:
Kingoftroll isn't even clever. At least Kingoffail rhymes...

Posting a sarcastic "4 million sales, here we come!" on the Mario and Sonic wall wasn`t very clever
also. Anyways, no one is keeping track of "not very clever" posts. If they did starcraft and DmeisterJ would be even fiercer rivals.

What the hell?

That's a completely old and irrelevant comment. Who gives a damn anymore? Naznatips and several other people agreed with me, so what's your point anyways?

I try to make a light hearted comment and you bring up something completely random. How annoying.

Rapid fanboys, can't have an opinion contrary to theirs or they will tear you apart. The reason we get shit games on Wii is because morons buy the shit games. I would love to get all the good games on my Wii but as long as people keep buying shit like Babiez, Pokemon(how much of this shit will they give u), Brain training(WTF??) and other casual vomit fests the only people you can blame is the idiots who buy them. It is business, if i found buyers for buying myfeces then hey i would sell it to them.

 Wow... I don't know where to begin...wait, I won't. Lets just say I think you missed the point of what most of the wii fans are upset over with Ubisoft.

kingofwale said:
11ht11 said:

So... I suppose it's okay to make-your-own logo? I suppose it's all fair game, no more "I will ban you for this, but when other people do it, it's okay"? ;)


Well, here's mine. For Nintendo.

I'm not questioning the fact that you're joking but:

1) You don't mention it in your post, unlike the OP.

2) You could get banned if the mods wanted it for posting flamebait, since it's both off topic and for the above reason.


Nah i got it, read many of the crying fanboys remarks in this thread:

12 pages of crying o be exact. As only owning a Wii, i feel upset i won't be getting good games from Ubi but hey guess what if i ever get bored of all the good Wii games i will *shock* buy a console with the games i want *shock* instead of crying about it.

Mil. Sellers:

Wii:      25 titles       101.4 mil total    avg 4 mil per title

PS3:     14 titles      28.6 mil total    avg ~2 mil per title

360:     41 titles      89.8 mil total   avg  >2 mil per title

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ItsaMii said:

And before the SDF arrives, I would like to say that all i want to do is laugh about this matter. So leave the wii userbase tastes and profits discussions to the other threads. This is a joke thread, not a fanboy arena thread.



BTW that's my Ubizoft logo.


All of this whining is just plainly pathetic.


well thank god for this thread, otherwise i was going to rush out and buy my french coach and dogzzz, oh, no i wasn't.

Do you guys ever look back and wonder what the hell you did all day?

there's no diversity because we're burning in the melting pot