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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Come on Nintendo!!

Munkeh111 said:
Can you not plug in an external HDD or anything?
 No, which is really ridiculous. 


Around the Network
Hawkeye said:
HD add on is a terrible idea. Look what Genesis add ons did the Sega! Though they need open SD cards or a harddrive or something.

 This made my day. Thank you.

Hawkeye said:
I have 2 blocks left, and thats after deleting 15 plus brawl videos :(

You don't need to delete brawl vids.  You can save them and access them directly from any size SD card you want.  It doesn't matter whether it's 32GB or 12MB they all work inside SSBB. 


Prepare for termination! It is the only logical thing to do, for I am only loyal to Megatron.