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So I finally got the oppertunity to play some of the game yesterday. It was on the PS3 and for a few hours.

1st off the controls are not that good, he has a lead in and out on everything that takes way to much time. They are also way to lose, just as a test revolve you contorl stick 360 degrees, the character barelly moves. The contorl for the cars are better but still a little loose and if I remeber correctly scarface had tighter controls.

2nd the graphics are not consitent, and over saturated. This may have been my friends TV but every red color I saw was neon. The lighting was completly incorrect for many things like the subway (look to RE:UC for the correct hue shift in a subway). Then some fog rolled in which I guess was apperntly dyed blue. Sometime I thought things looked really great but then the next step had more bad lighting/over saturated colors. There where a lot of really great things done but there where some bad oversights or dessicions made IMO. The far off building looked great and some of the close up stuff did as well.

There was this one area in particular I remeber that had a tiled grass texture that looked exactly like it was from LoZ OT (horrible tiling).

3rd Animation/fake physical reactions. Let me just say if some of these animations where handed in to my proffesors when I was in school they would not be awarded an A, Some may recieve a D.

4th The story was the greatest ever. JK I did not get enough to be able to judge that.

Bottom line off the top of my head Half Life 2 was better in every category I critiqued except maybe the vehicles. I'm very dissapointed in what I played from the point of view of what I was told. Rockstar did great and I will buy their game. But every profeesional reviewer that said those graphics where a 10 should be fired. I'm not joking I would do it if I was in charged of one of those companies.

I think what really pisses me off is to have spent so much time studying about these things only to have the claimed proffessional hold up a shinny rock and call it gold. It is no wonder so many refuse to recognize video games as art. Its because the journalist and industry apparently refuse to critique things and just want to tell you about the great things.

No one would have excepted Lord of the Rings with this many flaws.

Quanity DOES NOT EQUAL Quality

Last note in the real world when you build the worlds tallest and bigest dam no one say well we can over look all the structual flaws because the rest is so great.

"Back off, man. I'm a scientist."

Your theories are the worst kind of popular tripe, your methods are sloppy, and your conclusions are highly questionable! You are a poor scientist. Especially if you think the moon landing was faked.

ioi + 1
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For one, Half Life 2 and Grand Theft Auto 4 are two very different games. Secondly, GTA4 proves itself as a hardcore game for the devotion needed to enjoy it. I didn't enjoy it when I first started playing it (you can't even cause good havoc when you start out!), but as you play it, it will get more and more enjoyable.

I like very few games when I first start playing them, but I'm really starting to get into GTA4 (I'm playing it on the 360 by the way, so the controls will be different).

Besides, the S&M scene at the start of the game was priceless.



Kenzo, I agree with you on some levels but seriously, you need to play GTA IV more. There are issues (which I dealt with in my editorial) but overall, it's a pretty damned solid game.

The juvenile attitude and the lack of real progress in videogames is my real problem, not GTA itself.

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Seriously, I tried to type in the game's web browser but the thing moved so damn slowly that I gave up.

As for the issues, I noticed them very shortly within playing. As soon as I took the train for the first time, I noticed some awful framrate problems at one point. Did it stop my enjoyment of the game? No, because most of the GTA games to data have had these sorts of problems. So although it can hurt the game, I don't really mind. And screw reviewers. Just because they set lofty expectations doesn't mean that I'm supposed to hate a game. 



I still waiting for my copy... damn mailman..

SSBB FC: 5155 2671 4071 elgefe02: "VGChartz's Resident Raving Rabbit"   MKWii:5155-3729-0989

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I'll be picking it up soon, and I'm sure I will enjoy it. But just like a good movie that got over reviewed I will have to clear my mind again.

I was expecting it to be over hyped I wasn't expecting it to be so far over hyped though (graphics/game control)

Also I was mostly refering to Half Life 2 Episode 2 & 1's "Graphic" score of 9 and GTA 4's graphic score of 10 on IGN. (Zero logic causes Brian an axiety attack)

and no mater how many tons of 14kt gold you have it won't magicly become 24kt

"Back off, man. I'm a scientist."

Your theories are the worst kind of popular tripe, your methods are sloppy, and your conclusions are highly questionable! You are a poor scientist. Especially if you think the moon landing was faked.

ioi + 1

I dunno where they got the 10/10 for graphics, and it probably only deserves a 9.7 for me (the side missions aren't as good as before) but it is still a dam good game, and Rockstar should be getting huge amounts of praise for their efforts

pffft... my game is MIA...

SSBB FC: 5155 2671 4071 elgefe02: "VGChartz's Resident Raving Rabbit"   MKWii:5155-3729-0989

I enjoyed it... but that said, I was sad that these features were left out:

Buying and owning property, flying airplanes, custom cars, custom radio station (added in the PC version of San Andreas), attack helicopter (yes, there is one, but no missiles on it), harrier jet, parachutes/base jumping, diving underwater, more weapons (especially the flamethrower!).

Seems kinda stupid that they can make a "sequel" and only add physics improvements and minor features like browsing the internet while removing all those major features. In the end, the game simply wasn't as enjoyable as San Andreas or Vice City. It lacked the witty humor and didn't make up for it in new features. Still a good game, but the weakest entry in the franchise since it went 3D.

naznatips said:
I enjoyed it... but that said, I was sad that these features were left out:

Buying and owning property, flying airplanes, custom cars, custom radio station (added in the PC version of San Andreas), attack helicopter (yes, there is one, but no missiles on it), harrier jet, parachutes/base jumping, diving underwater, more weapons (especially the flamethrower!).

Seems kinda stupid that they can make a "sequel" and only add physics improvements and minor features like browsing the internet while removing all those major features. In the end, the game simply wasn't as enjoyable as San Andreas or Vice City. It lacked the witty humor and didn't make up for it in new features. Still a good game, but the weakest entry in the franchise since it went 3D.

 In terms of airplanes, I doubt that they could get it streaming well enough, because even in the chopter, you do notice quite a bit of pop-in. All those other things you mention were the things I missed (apart from custom radio stations, do you mean custom soundtracks?) especially the missiles in the Anhilator (I prefered when it was called the hunter) I was really pissed off in last mission when I found I couldn't do that

To be honest, I did prefer the shooting and driving, but all the little extras were missing, which is why I have stopped playing since I finished the game