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what no alcohol, without alcohol how would people forget how bad there life is? (maybe its just me?)

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Mistershine said:
Hi, my name's Barry and I haven't had a drink for 10 years.

 HAHAHA you bus me jokes man, now i remember why i added you lol

PS360ForTheWin said:
what no alcohol, without alcohol how would people forget how bad there life is? (maybe its just me?)

 You know, drowning your sorrows isn't actually a good thing.

 Drink for fun, not to forget how bad your life is.

I am a drinker sorry =p...But not that much though.

A lot of things that people enjoy are bad for the health =/.

Rath said:
PS360ForTheWin said:
what no alcohol, without alcohol how would people forget how bad there life is? (maybe its just me?)

You know, drowning your sorrows isn't actually a good thing.

Drink for fun, not to forget how bad your life is.

 meh, both are good reasons, boycott threads help me feel good to, they make me lol

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Nah i dont drink all the time, i probs drink less then once a month most of the times.

Sometimes i wont drink for like a couple of months its just that if all my friends are drinking and i am with then i will have a drink, simple as that we dont harm no one so its ok


I recently read that I am native to one of the three regions in Europe that drinks the most. and I'm not that amazed. People here drink as early as eleven years old. Years of "training" managed to get my friends to a point where they can down 8 glasses of whiskey within half an hour without vomiting.

I don't drink and am clearly an anamoly in the general populace here. I do go out, a lot. Two or three times a week and I have as much fun as hanging out with drink people as sober ones, even when I'm sober so... I don't miss the alcohol aswell. And I'm generally respected for it. Also because I'm usually the one who has to tell what happened the night before, what that girls name was, etc...

The Doctor will see you now  Promoting Lesbianism -->


obieslut said:
Mistershine said:
Hi, my name's Barry and I haven't had a drink for 10 years.

 HAHAHA you bus me jokes man, now i remember why i added you lol

Who's joking? I was being light hearted at the topic, but not joking.

I don't drink much, but I do on occasion. And come on guys, some games are a blast drunk! Ever try Bomberman with all 4 players blitzed? The winner is the one that realizes everyone is only killing themselves and just sits there watching the fun, heh.

Tag: Hawk - Reluctant Dark Messiah (provided by fkusumot)

^ Damn straight. Bomberman is good, but 4 player drunk Goldeneye is the best. *hugs my N64*