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Forums - General Discussion - What is your most/least favorite comic superhero movie

Least Fav
I really don't have a beef with any of the others.

Most Fav
Batman Begins
Batman Forever ( Val Kilmer is my boy)
X-Men 3

Hi, this is Vince with Shamwow.

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Hmmz I really have a problem becaus I probably never saw 10 of them.

If I am right there is also a Street Fighter comic and that movie will be my least favourite comic movie (it is more a game than a comic I know =p.).

Cityhunter another bad adaption and the Street Fighter in scene was even more bad than the street fighter movie see it for yourself:

The best hmm the first batman and the X-men movies.

Well they are currently working on making another Street Fighter movie and they also finished making a new Dragonball movie. I really hope they dont mess both of these up because they have some of my favorite characters in them.
visit and you'll be able to see what other superhero movies are currently in production.


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I forgot to mention Akira. The film is legend, and along with Fist of the north star started me on japanese films.

I don't watch many comic movies but:

Spiderman movies > ALL OTHER COMIC MOVIES



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1 - Batman
2 - Batman Begins
3 - Batman Returns
4 - Iron Man
5 - Men in Black

As for the cap list I agree with the OP and would add Hulk

"Back off, man. I'm a scientist."

Your theories are the worst kind of popular tripe, your methods are sloppy, and your conclusions are highly questionable! You are a poor scientist. Especially if you think the moon landing was faked.

ioi + 1
Mistershine said:
I forgot to mention Akira. The film is legend, and along with Fist of the north star started me on japanese films.

Did you watch either of the Azumi films? Both were really really good and were the films that started me on asian films.


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nextgreatchamp said:
Mistershine said:
I forgot to mention Akira. The film is legend, and along with Fist of the north star started me on japanese films.

Did you watch either of the Azumi films? Both were really really good and were the films that started me on asian films.

I have both on DVD. In fact I have 2 copies of the first one(one was a present from a relation who went to thailand).