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Forums - Sales Discussion - metal gear really a system seller or a niche product with a loyal following

I don't see any upcoming game that is truly a system seller apart from maybe Zelda, Final Fantasy and Gears of Wars 2. (That is obviuosly not incluiding any casual game such as Wii Music or GH).


Actually... now I'm not sure about system sellers... Look at GTA... that used to be a system seller, not anymore. 

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Games were system sellers generations past by bringing in core and non-traditional gamers. Hyped games on your HD consoles typically only get the people who've already been buying the console excited, or so I gather.

With GTA failing as a System seller, it does make you wonder.

taxman said:
It IS a system seller and the most shining example is me....

I never played an MGS game and don't own a PS3 and plan to do both on the 12th...

I buy it now but the decision to buy it was not only MGS4, it's also LBP (system seller for me), Resistance 2 (system seller for me), FFXIII (never played an FF game before, but hyped on this one as hell, system seller for me).....

Everyone see where i'm going.... MGS is the tipping point for me but my decision to get one took into consideration the other games coming out in the future as well....

MGS4 will be the tipping point of many PS2 owners and MGS fans (and other who are not) and so it will sell extra consoles...

 Either you are going to buy 4 PS3's, or none of these is a system seller for you.  It is libraries that sell games (as you illustrated here) with one game being the tipping point as others have pointed out.

I think MGS4 will see a HW boost similar to GTA4, and software will also follow a similar track.  Great sales, but not quite the second coming of Christ as some PS3 fans seem to expect.

De85 said:
taxman said:
It IS a system seller and the most shining example is me....

I never played an MGS game and don't own a PS3 and plan to do both on the 12th...

I buy it now but the decision to buy it was not only MGS4, it's also LBP (system seller for me), Resistance 2 (system seller for me), FFXIII (never played an FF game before, but hyped on this one as hell, system seller for me).....

Everyone see where i'm going.... MGS is the tipping point for me but my decision to get one took into consideration the other games coming out in the future as well....

MGS4 will be the tipping point of many PS2 owners and MGS fans (and other who are not) and so it will sell extra consoles...

Either you are going to buy 4 PS3's, or none of these is a system seller for you. It is libraries that sell games (as you illustrated here) with one game being the tipping point as others have pointed out.

I think MGS4 will see a HW boost similar to GTA4, and software will also follow a similar track. Great sales, but not quite the second coming of Christ as some PS3 fans seem to expect.

 I also don't understand why is "system seller" are games from series he never played. If I never played a FF or MGS game before, I would go back and buy MGS 1-2-3, FF6-7-10-12 before playing the new ones.

How many cups of darkness have I drank over the years? Even I don't know...


kowenicki said:
colonelstubbs said:
MGS4 WILL be a system seller, probably due to the fact a few hundred thousand bundles have been pre-ordered


So that takes care of week one.... what about after that? I say back to normal sales (normal being pre MGS3) within one month.

 The point that MGS4 is included in with every 80gb PS3 sale is enough to give it legs.

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bbsin said:
kowenicki said:
colonelstubbs said:
MGS4 WILL be a system seller, probably due to the fact a few hundred thousand bundles have been pre-ordered


So that takes care of week one.... what about after that? I say back to normal sales (normal being pre MGS3) within one month.

 The point that MGS4 is included in with every 80gb PS3 sale is enough to give it legs.

Then perhaps the question should be, which is the better system seller? Wii sports or MGS4, lol.

ikilledkenny said:
It's a niche title, since it's a lot of the same people buying it again and again (the friends I have that are getting it have at least played all of them, if not owned). However, this is still a 3 million niche. It really won't push hardware since a lot of the people who want it probably already have a PS3. I'm thinking that we will see a small-to-medium boost for a week or two, and then a decline back to normal levels.

 This is exactly what will happen. SONY fanboys be prepared for dissappointment. It's funny how GeOW sold more than 5mil with a smaller install base and now even diehard SONY fanboys prolly think it will only sell 4mill and largly thanks to it being bundled. I think SONY knew this would happen hence bundling it to keep it an exclusive and not make it look like a dissapointment. MGS4 is no way a system seller, its more of a niche product and the main reason there will be a HW boost is because of the new console. Atleast MS wasn't that desperate to bundle Halo 3 or GeOW cause they were confident and knew how to market their games. When's the SONY fanboys going to release if you keep believing in the hype SONY sells it will always lead to dissapointment. And also due to the speculation that it will come to the 360 sales will not even be close to what it was for Halo 3. And considering the fact that most ppl already own a PS3 want the game, its the slowest time of the year in sales and you have got  the equation for major disappointment.

Onimusha12 said:
bbsin said:
kowenicki said:
colonelstubbs said:
MGS4 WILL be a system seller, probably due to the fact a few hundred thousand bundles have been pre-ordered


So that takes care of week one.... what about after that? I say back to normal sales (normal being pre MGS3) within one month.

The point that MGS4 is included in with every 80gb PS3 sale is enough to give it legs.

Then perhaps the question should be, which is the better system seller? Wii sports or MGS4, lol.

The answer is Wii sports, but the question is pointless.

MGS4 will move a lot of hardware... emotionally... with Snake's 90 minute Oscar-worthy emo cutscenes discussing the futility of existence and war and blah blah blah.

There's no way it will move systems to anyone who wasn't considering getting a PS3 anyway.

Aurally examine my music!

Wear gaudy colours or avoid display. It's all the same.

Be warned, I will use walls of polysyllables and complex clauses as a defence against lucid argument.

Wand to read a creepy thread?