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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why Eyetoy didnt became popular as Wiimote/Wii balance board did?

I have two lamps on either side of the couch in my game room. That has caused problems.

Mike from Morgantown


I am Mario.

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Because most people don't look to good at low resolution in bad lighting conditions while performing strange movements in their living rooms?

Although if they got some good games behind it and had easy YouTube integration so you could more readily show off 'your moves' then it might sell better.

But really like similar peripherals I think it boils down to something that is harder to exploit and faces more challenges. Holding a Wiimote and swinging it to play tennis is a no-brainer... Eyetoys are a tougher proposition IMHO.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

Honestly - the software backing eye toy was too niche, you got an idea of what it could do, but it wasn't interesting, next is that it was just a peripheral.

Plus it was just really not natural using it, kind of like the sixaxis, but I think it was better than the sixaxis.

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Peripherals need good 1st party support in order to sell.

The EyeToy was, at best, a cute side project for the Sony PS2. So they had a handfull of games then dropped support altogether. 3rd party ignored it altogether.

Nintendo is seriously pushing the balance board. In the US WiiFit is one of Nintendo's biggest ad campaigns ever (maybe Wii launch budget topped it, ) and they've nudged a few developers to follow up on it. With WiiFit's install base, 3rd party developers may have a reason to develop for it anyway.

In general, most peripherals don't sell well, or sell to an exclusive audience then die off. Anyone who remebers Arcade Sticks, 6-button controllers, that Capcom Mech game (*shudder*), or multitaps have a good firsthand memory of this.

There is no such thing as a console war. This is the first step to game design.

ssj12 said:
Viper1 said:
ssj12 said:
Viper1 said:
PS360ForTheWin said:
yushire said:
I just want to discuss this since gamer's perception change when saying Eyetoy was just a gimmick and then came the Wii with its controller and suddenly theres a stampede in E3 06. I just wanna know how a product became a novel.

simple, no bundling from launch with free game, lack of games for it and nowhere near the amount of media coverage.


EyeToy and PSEye are also too limited for anything beyond specifically designed games for it. The Wii-mote is the same to an extent but is far easier to incorporate into games than would be either camera peripheral.


Devs still can add in bonus features if you have it. Look at what EA did with Burnout. It supports the PSEye. Also wtf are you talking about them being limited? The PS3 has added in more functionality with the video chat feature. Plus EyeCreate is agreat video application.

The PSEye has been way more successful then the EyeToy has.

I call BS on that one. The PSEye has not sold anywhere near what EyeToy sold.


As for limited, I'm referring to the its use as a method of control vs Wii-mote.

It should be way more successful when comparing consoles old vs PSEye Sold (its around like 3 million last I heard.... trying to get Hasbro to reveal me some info on EOJ sales... not having much luck with that).

As for control, full body motion versus arms... I'm going to say the PSEye and to a lesser extent the EyeToy wins.

Is this the same source as your "Bronze PSP is really made of Bronze!" source.

I mean your suggesting the PS Eye has nearly a 25% attach rate.  That's just silly.

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misteromar mk4 said:
The eyetoy was rubbish and did not work very well at all.

 Ding! ding! ding!  we have a winner!

Thats precisely the reason, the eye-toy lacked the fundamental software like wii sports to drive it to become popular, i don't think the tech had any thing to do with it, with enough drive focus and creativeness you can sell any thing no matter how technically inferior it is, look at the tamogotchi's of yester year, the graphics were that of 80's handhelds but was implemented so ingeniously that it sold a mother load. 

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