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Forums - General Discussion - Allright everyone, time to call me crazy!

I have never seen something like that before, so I don't know if it could be really true or not.

There are so many stories like your story. A little chance if all people were dreaming when they saw something like an UFO.

But as long as there isn't any real evidence for this, I really don't know.

MK7!! 3DS friend code: 0688 - 5579 - 0994

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When I did some quick google investigation it seems alot of people claim to have seen this. How reliable that is however is questionable seeing as how I also found lots of people claiming that they belong to lizard people....

But I can't call all of them crazy seeing as how I saw the same thing....sans the lizard people...

Tell me about what you saw Elgefe02.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

Words Of Wisdom said:
Definitely a weather balloon. UFOs are no more real than all the other fake things in the world like ghosts, imaginary friends, and France. Ignore any vans you might see pulling up to your home. ^_^

 WoW has spoken you must obey vagabond :)



I did obey...except I swore I saw france once, just for a second...

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

Hah they just had a HUGE thing about your UFO on the International History Channel... last night actually.  Whole hour long special.

About a bunch of Military guys who saw the same thing. Was actually pretty convincing considering it had a number of people i'd consider credible people talking about it. Or at least guys that would have no reason to just make up a story.

Was a bunch of US guys in a base in Europe somewhere. Probably belgium actually.

If you've got digital cable you should check it out. Knowing the history channel they'll probably replay it.

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You know honestly if its some sort of stealth aircraft, it really wouldn't surprise me if they would go pretty far to keep people from actually acknowledging its existence.

And thus, if all who saw it aren't lying and weren't tripping on acid, its probably a stealth aircraft of sorts.

[2:08:58 am] Moongoddess256: being asian makes you naturally good at ddr
[2:09:22 am] gnizmo: its a weird genetic thing
[2:09:30 am] gnizmo: goes back to hunting giant crabs in feudal Japan

The_vagabond7 said:
Scully is hot, I'd be all over it if she wanted to investigate my "case" or "package" if you will, then I will let her get naked too, provided that's what she's into.

 Loving the FotC reference =P

Moongoddess256 said:
You know honestly if its some sort of stealth aircraft, it really wouldn't surprise me if they would go pretty far to keep people from actually acknowledging its existence.

And thus, if all who saw it aren't lying and weren't tripping on acid, its probably a stealth aircraft of sorts.

Yes, this.

People were sure that these were UFO's back in the day:

Granted, there would be a huge technology gap between what is required to manufacture a Nighthawk and what would be required to construct a Black Triangle (gravity-nullification, for one), but I think that this being human-made is the most likely explanation.

If they were aliens, we would be either eaten, mind controlled, or "harvested" in some way by now. And we'd have laser weapons to combat their plasma based weapons, along with Skyrangers and such.


epsilon72 said:
Moongoddess256 said:
You know honestly if its some sort of stealth aircraft, it really wouldn't surprise me if they would go pretty far to keep people from actually acknowledging its existence.

And thus, if all who saw it aren't lying and weren't tripping on acid, its probably a stealth aircraft of sorts.

Yes, this.

People were sure that these were UFO's back in the day:

Granted, there would be a huge technology gap between what is required to manufacture a Nighthawk and what would be required to construct a Flying Delta (gravity-nullification, for one), but I think that this being human-made is the most likely explanation.

If they were aliens, we would be either eaten, mind controlled, or "harvested" in some way by now.


Maybe they're Cow like aliens who want nothing to do with us... except to harvest cow organs (hence cow mutliations!) Cows can't survive the trip in their spaceships so that's why they have to keep coming here instead of taking them with (Edit) them!*

That history channel thing was pretty interesting though. Either way, I assume aliens exist out their in the world. It only makes sense... but I mean... if they do... why would they bother coming here?

 * for some reason i typed us instead of them their.  No I am not an alien.

To my knoweldge anyway. 

Ah. The Nato base for that thing was Britain.

The show was UFO Files.

Britain's Roswell
Original Airdate: December 17, 2005

This documentary looks into the famous Christmas 1980 Rendlesham Forest incident where a UFO reportedly buzzed a top security NATO military base that was said to store nuclear weapons.

You should check it out. It's like exactly what you were explaining i believe.