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epsilon72 said:
Moongoddess256 said:
You know honestly if its some sort of stealth aircraft, it really wouldn't surprise me if they would go pretty far to keep people from actually acknowledging its existence.

And thus, if all who saw it aren't lying and weren't tripping on acid, its probably a stealth aircraft of sorts.

Yes, this.

People were sure that these were UFO's back in the day:

Granted, there would be a huge technology gap between what is required to manufacture a Nighthawk and what would be required to construct a Flying Delta (gravity-nullification, for one), but I think that this being human-made is the most likely explanation.

If they were aliens, we would be either eaten, mind controlled, or "harvested" in some way by now.


Maybe they're Cow like aliens who want nothing to do with us... except to harvest cow organs (hence cow mutliations!) Cows can't survive the trip in their spaceships so that's why they have to keep coming here instead of taking them with (Edit) them!*

That history channel thing was pretty interesting though. Either way, I assume aliens exist out their in the world. It only makes sense... but I mean... if they do... why would they bother coming here?

 * for some reason i typed us instead of them their.  No I am not an alien.

To my knoweldge anyway.