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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Elimination Game!!!!

hmmm in this way kirby will never be number one exept is he sucks number one ^^ and copys him

Kirby 38

Link 38

Samus 31
Solid Snake 29 (-1)                                                                                                                                                       Midna 21                                                                                                                                                           Megaman 18
Donkey Kong 17
Kerrigan 17
Luigi 16
Mario 15
Ratchet 14
Kefka 13
Zelda 13
Alucard 13
Cecil 12
Sonic 12
Geno 12
Ayane 11
Ico 11
Fox McCloud 11
Sora 10
Kane 10
Davy 10
Bowser 10
Auron 10
Scorpion 10
Rayden 10
Wanda 10
Yoshi 10 (+1)
Naked Snake 8
Gordon Freeman 7
Spyro 6


1st - Kratos
2nd - Peach
3rd - Crash
4th - Master Chief
5th - Rikku
6th - Diablo
7th - Tingle
8th- Coco
9th- Wario
10th - Lara Croft
11th - Krunch
12th - Jak
13th - Pac-man

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

Join the Prediction League

Instead of seeking to convince others, we can be open to changing our own minds, and seek out information that contradicts our own steadfast point of view. Maybe it’ll turn out that those who disagree with you actually have a solid grasp of the facts. There’s a slight possibility that, after all, you’re the one who’s wrong.

Around the Network

Link 38
Samus 31
Solid Snake 29 Midna 21 Megaman 18
Donkey Kong 17
Kerrigan 17
Luigi 16
Mario 15
Ratchet 14
Kefka 13
Zelda 13
Alucard 13
Cecil 12
Sonic 12
Geno 12
Ico 11
Bowser 11 (+)
Fox McCloud 11
Ayane 10 (-)
Sora 10
Kane 10
Davy 10
Auron 10
Scorpion 10
Rayden 10
Wanda 10
Yoshi 10
Naked Snake 8
Gordon Freeman 7
Spyro 6


1st - Kratos
2nd - Peach
3rd - Crash
4th - Master Chief
5th - Rikku
6th - Diablo
7th - Tingle
8th- Coco
9th- Wario
10th - Lara Croft
11th - Krunch
12th - Jak
13th - Pac-man

I assumed that meant you gave Kirby a point so i added one on to him

Link 38
Samus 31
Solid Snake29 Midna21 Megaman 19(+)
Donkey Kong 17
Kerrigan 17
Luigi 16
Mario 15
Ratchet 14
Kirby 15
Kefka 13
Zelda 13
Alucard 13
Cecil 12
Sonic 12
Geno 12
Ayane 10
Ico 11
Fox McCloud 11
Sora 9 (-)
Kane 10
Davy 10
Bowser 11
Auron 10
Scorpion 10
Rayden 10
Wanda 10
Yoshi 10
Naked Snake 8
Gordon Freeman 7
Spyro 6


1st - Kratos
2nd - Peach
3rd - Crash
4th - Master Chief
5th - Rikku
6th - Diablo
7th - Tingle
8th- Coco
9th- Wario
10th - Lara Croft
11th - Krunch
12th - Jak
13th - Pac-man

this is huge! =/

Link 38
Samus 31
Solid Snake 29 Midna 21 Megaman 18
Donkey Kong 17
Kerrigan 18 (+)
Luigi 16
Mario 15
Ratchet 14
Kefka 13
Zelda 13
Alucard 13
Cecil 12
Sonic 12
Geno 12
Ayane 11
Ico 11
Fox McCloud 11
Sora 10
Kane 10
Davy 10
Bowser 10
Auron 10
Scorpion 10
Rayden 10
Wanda 10
Yoshi 10
Naked Snake 8
Gordon Freeman 7
Spyro 5 (-)


1st - Kratos
2nd - Peach
3rd - Crash
4th - Master Chief
5th - Rikku
6th - Diablo
7th - Tingle
8th- Coco
9th- Wario
10th - Lara Croft
11th - Krunch
12th - Jak
13th - Pac-man

Help! I'm stuck in a forum signature!

I added the points we both just gave, and hopefully fixed the formatting.

Link 38
Samus 31
Solid Snake 29
Midna 21
Megaman 19
Donkey Kong 17
Kerrigan 17
Luigi 16
Mario 15
Ratchet 14
Kirby 15
Kefka 13
Zelda 13
Alucard 13
Cecil 12
Sonic 12
Geno 12
Ayane 10
Ico 11
Fox McCloud 11
Sora 9
Kane 10
Davy 10
Bowser 11
Auron 10
Scorpion 10
Rayden 10
Wanda 10
Yoshi 10
Naked Snake 8
Gordon Freeman 7
Spyro 6


1st - Kratos
2nd - Peach
3rd - Crash
4th - Master Chief
5th - Rikku
6th - Diablo
7th - Tingle
8th- Coco
9th- Wario
10th - Lara Croft
11th - Krunch
12th - Jak
13th - Pac-man

Around the Network

Link 39 (+)
Samus 31
Solid Snake 29
Midna 21
Megaman 19
Donkey Kong 17
Kerrigan 17
Luigi 16
Mario 15
Ratchet 14
Kirby 15
Kefka 13
Zelda 13
Alucard 13
Cecil 12
Sonic 12
Geno 12
Ayane 10
Ico 11
Fox McCloud 11
Sora 9
Kane 10
Davy 10
Bowser 11
Auron 10
Scorpion 10
Rayden 10
Wanda 10
Yoshi 10
Naked Snake 8
Gordon Freeman 7
Spyro 5 (-)


1st - Kratos
2nd - Peach
3rd - Crash
4th - Master Chief
5th - Rikku
6th - Diablo
7th - Tingle
8th- Coco
9th- Wario
10th - Lara Croft
11th - Krunch
12th - Jak
13th - Pac-man




Link 39
Samus 31
Solid Snake 29
Midna 21
Megaman 19
Donkey Kong 18 (+)
Kerrigan 17
Luigi 16
Mario 15
Ratchet 14
Kirby 15
Kefka 13
Zelda 13
Alucard 13
Cecil 12
Sonic 12
Geno 12
Ayane 10
Ico 11
Fox McCloud 11
Sora 9
Kane 10
Davy 10
Bowser 11
Auron 10
Scorpion 10
Rayden 10
Wanda 10
Yoshi 10
Naked Snake 8
Gordon Freeman 7
Spyro 4 (-)


1st - Kratos
2nd - Peach
3rd - Crash
4th - Master Chief
5th - Rikku
6th - Diablo
7th - Tingle
8th- Coco
9th- Wario
10th - Lara Croft
11th - Krunch
12th - Jak
13th - Pac-man

Currently Playing: Skies of Arcadia Legends (GC), Dragon Quest IV (DS)

Last Game beaten: The Rub Rabbits(DS)

Link 38 (-1)
Samus 31
Solid Snake 29
Midna 21
Megaman 20 (+)
Donkey Kong 18
Kerrigan 17
Luigi 16
Mario 15
Ratchet 14
Kirby 15
Kefka 13
Zelda 13
Alucard 13
Cecil 12
Sonic 12
Geno 12
Ayane 10
Ico 11
Fox McCloud 11
Sora 9
Kane 10
Davy 10
Bowser 11
Auron 10
Scorpion 10
Rayden 10
Wanda 10
Yoshi 10
Naked Snake 8
Gordon Freeman 7
Spyro 4 (-)

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

Link 38
Samus 31
Solid Snake 29
Midna 21
Megaman 21 (+)
Donkey Kong 18
Kerrigan 17
Luigi 16
Mario 15
Ratchet 14
Kirby 15
Kefka 13
Zelda 13
Alucard 13
Cecil 12
Sonic 12
Geno 12
Ayane 10
Ico 11
Fox McCloud 11
Kane 10
Davy 10
Bowser 11
Auron 10
Scorpion 10
Rayden 10
Wanda 10
Yoshi 10
Sora 8 (-)
Naked Snake 8
Gordon Freeman 7
Spyro 4

Link 37 (-)
Samus 31
Solid Snake 30 (+)
Midna 21
Megaman 19
Donkey Kong 18
Kerrigan 17
Luigi 16
Mario 15
Ratchet 14
Kirby 15
Kefka 13
Zelda 13
Alucard 13
Cecil 12
Sonic 12
Geno 12
Ayane 10
Ico 11
Fox McCloud 11
Sora 9
Kane 10
Davy 10
Bowser 11
Auron 10
Scorpion 10
Rayden 10
Wanda 10
Yoshi 10
Naked Snake 8
Gordon Freeman 7
Spyro 4


1st - Kratos
2nd - Peach
3rd - Crash
4th - Master Chief
5th - Rikku
6th - Diablo
7th - Tingle
8th- Coco
9th- Wario
10th - Lara Croft
11th - Krunch
12th - Jak
13th - Pac-man