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Link 39
Samus 31
Solid Snake 29
Midna 21
Megaman 19
Donkey Kong 18 (+)
Kerrigan 17
Luigi 16
Mario 15
Ratchet 14
Kirby 15
Kefka 13
Zelda 13
Alucard 13
Cecil 12
Sonic 12
Geno 12
Ayane 10
Ico 11
Fox McCloud 11
Sora 9
Kane 10
Davy 10
Bowser 11
Auron 10
Scorpion 10
Rayden 10
Wanda 10
Yoshi 10
Naked Snake 8
Gordon Freeman 7
Spyro 4 (-)


1st - Kratos
2nd - Peach
3rd - Crash
4th - Master Chief
5th - Rikku
6th - Diablo
7th - Tingle
8th- Coco
9th- Wario
10th - Lara Croft
11th - Krunch
12th - Jak
13th - Pac-man

Currently Playing: Skies of Arcadia Legends (GC), Dragon Quest IV (DS)

Last Game beaten: The Rub Rabbits(DS)