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Forums - General Discussion - What do you think of the US?

As theres one on the UK, i thought why not one on the US, so what do you think.

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US is a great country. Good people. Land of opportunity. But it is a shame it is led by moronic leaders. Points at US Presidents: Clinton and both Bushes.

Rock_on_2008 said:
US is a great country. Good people. Land of opportunity. But it is a shame it is led by moronic leaders. Points at US Presidents: Clinton and both Bushes and the idiots in Congress.
There, fixed it for ya.

The U.S. has its downsides and upsides, but for the most part I think the good outweighs the bad.

Also, in before "U.S. is teh suck!1!!" posts. 

Clinton was a great leader actually, Rock. Shame our society is far to up it's own ass to overlook the one mistake he made.

Brawl FC: 0473 - 7465 - 0612

The Americans I have met (mainly in the North East and California) have generally been very nice people. However I do not approve of many things about the USA as a country.

Its aggressive foreign policy is causing the world a multitude of problems and damaging the image of the entirety of the West.
Its legal system is utter bullshit, people can sue for anything and everything.
Its general view on many issues, mainly due to how conservative the USA is, runs strongly contrary to mine - gay rights, abortion, stem cell research, gun laws - those are all examples where I do not agree with the current USA laws.
Its current human rights issues - particularly Guantanamo Bay and the CIA operated foreign prisons (which they have, I believe, owned up to existing), holding prisoners for years without charge and using waterboarding and sleep deprivation is about as unethical as it gets.

Around the Network

I usually have a good experience whenever I go to down to California. The problem is, most of you guys know absolutly nothing about the country above you, and whenever I mention where I am from it is a conversation killer.

Valdens said:
Clinton was a great leader actually, Rock. Shame our society is far to up it's own ass to overlook the one mistake he made.

As a political leader, you do a thousand good deeds. One huge mistake. People will remember you for that huge mistake you made. Clinton lied to the American people. What an idiot. He should of came out clean and said I scored.

There has already been a thread on this...

I've lived in the US all my life and have only visited Canada and The Dominican Republic so I wouldn't be able to compare it to any other country.. but I love it. Any kind of climate you like, can be found in the US and there friendly people in most places. The only thing I really don't like about it is the reactionary politics that seem to dominate here and the ignorance of most U.S. citizens about the rest of the world.



I think US is the greatest country in the WORLD!!! :)

And in the US, California is the greatest state. :P


All VGCharterz welcome!!!
PSN: Al_Kickurass, Official Warhawk League Thread!!!->

I enjoy America the most out of any of the places I have lived, but that's probably mainly due to the fact that I've found it easiest to get the stuff I want to buy over here.
