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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Gamespot gives We Ski/Family Ski a 7

Considering it's Gamespot and they score Wii games harshly I'd say that's pretty good.

Review here:

Is it on anyone's to-buy list?

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You know... no offense but.

We're going to have quite a lot of posts to wade through if suddenly games getting an "Average" review becomes news.

As much as I like the balance board, there will be better skiing games that support it.

Since when was 7 average? :-s This is a pretty big game over here, is it not hyped in America?

GRID is prolly the best racing game of this generation thus far (my roomate scored a copy last night...its really great) - but no thread about that

Yet we get one about Wii Ski...doesn't compute.

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disolitude said:
GRID is prolly the best racing game of this generation thus far (my roomate scored a copy last night...its really great) - but no thread about that

Yet we get one about Wii Ski...doesn't compute.
 If you want to discuss GRID then there's a "Create New Thread" button top right. If you don't want to discuss We Ski what possessed you to click on this thread? Did the title suggest it was about GRID?


Gamespot isn't harsh on one console in general.

And I agree with Kasz.

Let's not make threads for games that get sevens.

The only time when these threads are necessary is when it's a big game, and it gets a high rating or a low rating.

I would highly recommend you rent it first. IMO it's very average so a 7 is on the money.

RolStoppable said:
disolitude said:
GRID is prolly the best racing game of this generation thus far (my roomate scored a copy last night...its really great) - but no thread about that

Yet we get one about Wii Ski...doesn't compute.

Just shows which userbase is more hardcore and keeps up with new releasess.

No it jsut shows which userbase has more free time on their hands... Well it makes sense as Wii owners on average are 12 years old.

disolitude said:
RolStoppable said:
disolitude said:
GRID is prolly the best racing game of this generation thus far (my roomate scored a copy last night...its really great) - but no thread about that

Yet we get one about Wii Ski...doesn't compute.

Just shows which userbase is more hardcore and keeps up with new releasess.

No it jsut shows which userbase has more free time on their hands... Well it makes sense as Wii owners on average are 12 years old.

 Avarage age 12? wow you must be smoking some serious sh#t.

If it isn't turnbased it isn't worth playing   (mostly)

And shepherds we shall be,

For Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritūs Sancti. -----The Boondock Saints